It wasn’t until months later, when the crowdfunding campaign peaked at CA$126,584, that people in Cindy’s orbit started

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Publish Date : 2021-01-07 09:50:03

Cindy’s prognosis quickly worsened, and her close friends and family scrambled to raise funds for experimental medications using platforms like Facebook and GoFundMe. According to the GoFundMe campaign, which was launched in November 2014, “Cindy lost her sight completely, went into organ failure, suffered a massive stroke and as of recently, the nerves in her brain have been affected and leaving her speech impaired.”

But given the cost of her treatments, supporting Cindy often boiled down to direct donations. The GoFundMe account set a goal of 1.6 million Canadian dollars ($1.2 million dollars) and the cash poured in. According to a post from her caregiver on the group page, one supporter even sold his home in order to keep Cindy going.

In the case of Sally Hemings, there is substantial revisionist tampering. First there are organizations that deny evidence, then there are others that descend to the depths of posing the argument that Jefferson and Hemings were united in a consensual romance. However, the fundamental reality is that due to her status as a slave, Sally Hemings was not possessed of the power to give consent over what was done to her body. Any sexual interaction with a slave is rape, and must be labeled as such to underscore the fundamental violation of the institution.

Cindy and I were not friends, exactly. We were acquaintances who had known each other in middle and high school in suburban Ontario. But we reconnected on Facebook in 2014, when she sent me a friend request shortly before the news of her illness broke. (OneZero is anonymizing Cindy out of respect for her family’s privacy.)

[I]n November 1998, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation formed a research committee consisting of nine members of the foundation staff, including four with Ph.D.s. In January 2000, the committee reported that the weight of all known evidence — from the DNA study, original documents, written and oral historical accounts, and statistical data — indicated a high probability that Thomas Jefferson was the father of Eston Hemings, and that he was likely the father of all six of Sally Hemings’s children listed in Monticello records — Harriet (born 1795; died in infancy); Beverly (born 1798); an unnamed daughter (born 1799; died in infancy); Harriet (born 1801); Madison (born 1805); and Eston (born 1808) —

I did this on Facebook, where her wisecracking, self-deprecating tone suddenly gave way to a somber third-person announcement that Cindy had been secretly battling chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), a little-known neurological disorder with wide-ranging symptoms.

parisons you are trying to make in the graph, you might want to use facets, also known as small multiples. Faceting comes in handy when you’d like to see patterns within subsets of the data relative to a common scale. Faceting side-by-side allows for comparisons with a shared y-axis, whereas displaying stacked facets allows for comparison across a shared x-axis. The latter is particularly useful if you are showing several groups’ behavior over the same time period.

The dedication and mobilization of Cindy’s people, their instantly frantic response to her needs, and their constant affirmations of her importance in their lives touched me. “Cindy, you have so much support from everyone who knows you, never be afraid to reach out to any of us and ask for help,” wrote one friend on Facebook. “You are a true fighter and I believe you will get through this. Be strong and be you.”

But after the CIDP announcement, she disappeared from her own Facebook feed as close advocates took over and started posting on her behalf. They also added a new group page — Help Save Cindy’s Life — to update Cindy’s friends on the fine details of her failing health. She had built a tight-knit community, and now they were rallying.

In September 1802, political journalist James T. Callender, a disaffected former ally of Jefferson, wrote in a Richmond newspaper that Jefferson had for many years “kept, as his concubine, one of his own slaves.” “Her name is Sally,” Callender continued, adding that Jefferson had “several children” by her. —

She went into seclusion, and pictures showed her in bed at home, wearing a surgical mask with what appeared to be IV tubes attached to her arm. It was noted that CIDP has no known cure, but there was some hope pegged to a very pricey stem cell transplant. The only thing keeping Cindy alive was a cocktail of experimental medications that were not covered by Ontario’s public health care system — sadly, a not uncommon occurrence.

Sally Hemings was one of the approximately 600 slaves that Thomas Jefferson owned throughout his lifetime. Rumors of Jefferson’s involvement with her became a matter of public record during Jefferson’s presidency.

Before her illness was announced, Cindy had been a chronic oversharer. She made jokes about her struggles with weight loss and her inability to nail down a boyfriend, and she invited all of her Facebook friends to her upcoming wedding, where she planned to marry a bag of Jalapeno

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