I’ve been thinking all day about @prachigu and @amalykinz’s tweets on their former workplaces, and how much courage it m

Author : iyazid.ymcmb.5y
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 17:45:36

That Kumar has worked in a lot of places, and has probably seen a lot of terrible workplaces, especially workplaces run by white people, and still consider Patriot Act to be something that she has never experienced before, hints to us just how bad a working environment Patriot Act was.

Minhaj is seen as the South Asian progressive dreamboat. He is good looking, educated, wealthy, Muslim and progressive. The sense I get is that people don’t want to criticise one of the few Brown men in power and more, a Brown man who is progressive in many ways. During a time when many South Asians in America seem to love fascist Modi, an American who shines the spotlight on oppression in other parts of the world is rare.

The dissonance between the progressive way these people present themselves and how they actually treat people is THE reason I have stopped going to social justice events or being part of these c̵l̵i̵q̵u̵e̵s̵, oh I mean, communities.

Matthew’s tweet stood out for me, precisely because of her point about how this stuff catches up with you because guess what: THAT. HAS. NOT. HAPPENED. These women shared their painful, personal experiences of working on a show beloved for its progressive politics and when their tweets came out, nothing happened.

But I think there are other factors at play. The liberal and left’s love of Minhaj is a large aspect of this. Where are all the progressive Desi organisations that lauded his episode on Modi but had nothing to say about women leaving his show in tears?

Minhaj was not taken to task. Nothing happened to the show. It was cancelled on its own, and a slew of articles on how sad people were about the cancellation came out instead. Minhaj did not even acknowledge the tweets, let alone apologise or take any responsibility for what had happened.

Clearly, a number of women who worked on the show as well and even the men who witnessed it felt compelled to speak up. This hints at a truly toxic work environment that clearly implicated Minhaj, in much the same way that Ellen was implicated in how her show treated its workers. Juggernaut writer Sarah Thankam Matthews tweeted in response to these women sharing their pain.

As with most victims of gaslighting, it is when you have left a toxic relationship or workplace that you realize that you had done nothing wrong, and the anger you feel at being gaslit comes up.

Nasreen’s point about a progressive ethos in front of the screen versus the hypocrisy of how un-progressively you treat the women of colour who work under you has really stuck with me. It is because, in my experience, this is what most social justice spaces have been like. For women like me, who have neither pretty or thin privilege, or light-skin or class privilege, social justice “activists” shun women like me because I do not have the connections and networks that they want access to in order to further their careers.

Many of these people are being lauded by our communities but if you talk to the most vulnerable amongst us, you will know how these people really treat those they see as having no value to them.





















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In response to Sheila Vee’s tweets, other women of colour who worked on Patriot Act also came forward with their stories. These include Pakistani news producer and writer Nur Nasreen.

Within a matter of days, Octavia stopped waking up altogether. A concerned James called the local doctor. Upon his arrival, the doctor declared her to be dead. The causes of death were not known.

We have to wonder why there has been such a disparity between how Ellen has been held accountable versus Minhaj. For one, it might be because South Asian women, as well as the other women of colour, are just not as important as many of the white people who worked on Ellen.

Nasreen’s honest tweets prompted other women who worked on and around Patriot Act to talk about their experiences or what they have heard from others. New York Times writer Iva Dixit tweeted about how her friends on the show were made to feel.

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