Just this week, the National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint alleging that Google illegally surveilled and fired

Author : kmohamedziani200u
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:21:53

Always remember to modularize — one function should only do one task at a time. Also, name the function to match that task. This is not just applicable to JavaScript, it’s common to all programming languages. Writing one function to do only one job helps us follow DRY(Don’t repeat yourself) too. That is, reusability of the method increases when it does not do too many complex functions and simply performs one task only. No function should be able to do a lot for the sake of readability and also efficiency.


function printMatrix (matrix) { for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i ) { var line = matrix[i]; for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i ) { var element = line[i]; console.log(element); } } }






















(and I previously discussed in other posts), Data Science is a passionate and multidisciplinary field that involves some of the most demanding sciences out there: from Mathematics and Statistics to Computer Science and Programming, ending with Machine Learning and Data Analysis and Visualization.,

Outlier uses software to help companies find unexpected insights from their data. Sometimes I call it “AI for BI” because it’s not just about graphs and data for your analysts to pour over but it’s about telling them what’s happening and what’s likely to happen next. Post-Series B, well-funded and a great place to continue your career — they’re hiring.


In the beginning of my career, every time I worked with JavaScript I’ve always been skeptical about if the way I write my code was right. Because, in any programming language there’s no one right way of getting things to work. Nevertheless, one must always remember the things that are not supposed to be done. So, here’s a curated list of things that should not be done in JavaScript that I would like to share.


It’s turning towards winter which means less sunlight/outdoors. Please make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D, which in some studies has been show to also be effective in keeping your immune system tough against COVID.


Outlier uses software to help companies find unexpected insights from their data. Sometimes I call it “AI for BI” because it’s not just about graphs and data for your analysts to pour over but it’s about telling them what’s happening and what’s likely to happen next. Post-Series B, well-funded and a great place to continue your career — they’re hiring.


Gebru’s tweets prompted an outpouring of public support on Twitter late Wednesday and early Thursday from fellow A.I. researchers, Black tech leaders, and even some Google employees.


The other problem of nesting is variable names and loops. As you normally start your first loop with i as the iterator variable, you’ll go on with j, k, l and so on. This can become messy quite quickly. So it’s always better to avoid these use cases.


Stir is kinda of like Square, if Square was built for digital creators instead of coffee shops. Their first products include a dashboard which allows you to combine your multiple sources of income into a single view, tools to support automatic revenue sharing among creative collaborators and an experiment to let you charge Twitter followers for access to a separate private feed. Even in their early days we’re seeing creators who span multiple platforms (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc) and multiple teams/brands/partners. The end result is that there’s no one platform, no one product that fulfills all their needs. And no matter where they are creating, Stir can help them keep their head above water. It’s an exciting future and one that I believe will lead to all sorts of new voices finding their audiences.


function printMatrix (matrix) { for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i ) { let line = matrix[i]; for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i ) { let element = line[i]; console.log(element); } } }


Always use let or const when you’re trying to declare a variable. If you have a variable that does not require a change then it’s always best to use const. You can ask, why should we not use var? It’s because ES6 has given us let that provides us with block scope that would avoid a lot of problems that would occur when using var — which is function scoped. Being function scoped, it is very prone to getting overwritten.


Gebru’s tweets prompted an outpouring of public support on Twitter late Wednesday and early Thursday from fellow A.I. researchers, Black tech leaders, and even some Google employees.


This is a strict rule that’s applicable for any programming language. Always having meaningful names for the variables help us write better and clean code. It would also be helpful for other developers to understand the code easily. Do not add unnecessary words to the variable names and keep then short and ensure it represents the context.


Nesting code explains its logic and makes it much easier to read. However, nesting it too far can also make it hard to follow what you are trying to do. Readers of your code shouldn’t have to scroll horizontally, or suffer confusion when their code editors wrap long lines.

Catagory :general