Know About Arthritis And Treatment Options

Author : IamSahilSharma
Publish Date : 2020-08-12 11:30:07

Arthritis is the condition where swelling and sensitivity occurs in one or multiple joints causing pain and stiffness. It is not a life-threatening problem, but it can get worse with increasing age if proper treatment is not taken. Arthritis is commonly found in the people between the age group of 60-65, but in some cases, it can also develop in children.

There are multiple types of joint disease, most common ones are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage, which is the connective tissue at the ends of the bone, to wear out, because of which bones inside a joint rub against each other resulting in sharp pain.

Whereas, Rheumatoid Arthritis causes the auto-immune system to attack the joints that result in swollen and stiff joints. Excessive uric acid in the blood causes the formation of uric acid crystals inside the joints, which can lead to infections and bone diseases. Some of the other types of Arthritis are Psoriatic, Gout, Reactive, Scleroderma, Lupus etc.


The medical technology is still advancing to find a cure for arthritis, but the treatment methods have significantly improved over the years. While it may be challenging to find the exact cause of the problem, there are several risks involved that can make a person fall prey to this, like gene inheritance, obesity etc.

It is common for a person suffering from joint problems to face occasional sharp pain, stiffness, swelling, redness and fatigue, but the Arthritis treatment methods are capable of reducing the symptoms to some extent and preventing further damage to the joints. The treatment methods don't cure the problem, but they are capable of reducing the pain and other symptoms, resulting in an improved quality of life.


If the problem is diagnosed at an early stage, it may be cured with the help of soft medication, and a combination of other arthritis treatment methods suggested by the doctor. Physical therapies like exercises can be of great help to strengthen the muscles that surround the affected joint area.

A few lifestyle changes can help people manage arthritis well. Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles and provide better support to the joints, increasing their range of movement and significantly reducing the pain. A healthy diet with lots of antioxidants like green vegetables, citrus fruits can help a person to maintain a healthy weight and reduce inflammation. One must avoid including oily food and dairy products to their diet.


According to a study, millions of people fall prey to arthritis every year in India. Being in pain can lead a person to mental stress and anxiety. However, most of the people do not suffer severe consequences or excessive mobility issues.

There are multiple treatment options available that can help a person to manage arthritis, and reduce symptoms. The more one tries to engage in with a physically active life, the more control he can have over his bodily movements. With the right kind of treatment and socially-active life, one can lead a more improved and happy life.

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