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Author : jahmedrelove
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 04:02:03

Nope. What it was instead was a commentary on licensing. A few weeks back it was announced that the Dave Chappelle Show would be coming to Netflix and HBO Max and fans celebrated the “non-exclusive pact between ViacomCBS and WarnerMedia.”

Just like we have list comprehensions in python, we also have dictionary comprehensions. As we can recall, list comprehensions allow us to create lists from other sequences in a very concise way.

I could stop there, tell you that this was my TED talk, hit publish, job well done, but like I said, that’s just 2 minutes….and 21 seconds. We still have fourteen more minutes!

Two psychologists in Vancouver, Canada did a study on misattribution of arousal, which is when people make mistaken inferences about what is causing them to feel the way they do.

The deal is meant to familiarize new audiences to the early 2000s variety show with hopes of luring them to Paramount when it’s introduced in 2021. Yeah, that’s how much is behind this joke. Because Chappelle exclaims that he’s getting nothing from the deal which is the set-up for the punchline, said in the voice of his great-grandfather, “this nigga got bought and sold more than I have.”

In the first group, she asked them the questions while they were on a scary suspension bridge. In the second group, she asked them while on a low, small bridge. Those on the scary bridge were more excited (because of the bridge) and were more attracted to the research assistant and more likely to call her later.

of teaching Sunday school every week (via Zoom) to a bunch of fantastic teenagers aged 14–16. They’re all digital natives with a high degree of cultural savvy, a strong distaste for anything that violates their personal privacy, and a nose for political bullshit.

Humans are free beings. As much as we love to socialize with each other our personal space should never be at risk during these moments of social interactions. In other words, watch out that spending time with your crush doesn’t end up with you getting on their nerves.

Let’s say that we want to create a dictionary in python from another iterable object or sequence, such as a list. For example, we have a list of numbers, and we want to create a dictionary that counts how many times each element occurs in that list. Thus, we can have the keys of the dictionary being the different elements (or numbers) in the list, and their corresponding values equal to the number of times that specific element (or number) shows up in the list.

Notice how we had to first create an empty dictionary, count_dict. Then as we loop through num_list using a for loop, we are creating key:value pairs in count_dict. The key will equal the current number we are on while iterating through num_list, and its corresponding value is equal to the count of that number in num_list.

And that’s it! First, we use curly brackets to establish that we want to create a dictionary (as opposed to a list where we would use brackets). Then, as we loop over num_list, we are creating key:value pairs as follows: num:num_list.count(num), where the key is the number (or num), and its value being the count of that number in num_list.

Usually, these type of stories are told for an early ice breaker. A cheap applause. And that’s how the story starts. Chappelle mentions flying in on a private jet to host SNL, right? So this is a “look how far we’ve come” story, right? Yes and no. Because I can imagine his great-grandfather being blown away by seeing his descendant on national television, an idol to whites and Blacks alike.

The researchers concluded that so-called reciprocal liking is a self-fulfilling prophecy: if your partner thinks you like them, they’ll be nicer to you, which in turn makes the whole relationship better. And the opposite is also true: if they think that you don’t like them, they’ll be meaner, and the whole relationship will suffer.

What can you understand from this situation? Well, on your next date, don’t just go to Starbucks, McDonald’s or pizza hut - that’s boring. Instead, go see fireworks, ride go-karts.

That’s the joke. That’s it. Two minutes and twenty seconds — from his entrance on the stage — and he told one joke, which, alone, wouldn’t be a joke, at least not a funny one. But with that little bit of back story, the weighted story of the Chappelle Show (the megahit show that he walked away from), the “look at all our progress” trope, yeah, all of that is to support a ten word joke.

Catagory :general