Leaky Abstraction. The inevitable and perpetual state of programming, where simplifications ruin everyone’s life because

Author : 2moamladel
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 12:24:29

A record class declares a sequence of fields, and then the appropriate accessors, constructors, equals, hashCode, and toString methods are created automatically. The fields are final because the class is intended to serve as a simple 'data carrier'. It means that records are Immutable.

ORM (Object Relational Mapping). No one likes code that’s littered with dozens of tiny data class definitions. Also, no one likes inefficient, dynamically generated queries. But what if we invented a technology that combined both?

Big-O Notation. A way of sizing up how the performance of different algorithms will scale. Or, a way of sizing up who studied computer science at school and who taught themselves the craft with Udemy courses.

One of the primary purposes of inheritance is code reuse: When you want to create a new class and there is already a class that includes some of the code that you want, you can derive your new class from the existing class. In doing this, you can reuse the fields and methods of the existing class without having to write (and debug) them yourself.





10 TLS Client Hello packets in JARM have been specially crafted to pull out unique responses in TLS servers. JARM sends different TLS versions, ciphers, and extensions in varying orders to gather unique responses. Does the server support TLS 1.3? Will it negotiate TLS 1.3 with 1.2 ciphers? If we order ciphers from weakest to strongest, which cipher will it pick? These are the types of unusual questions JARM is essentially asking the server to draw out the most unique responses. The 10 responses are then hashed to produce the JARM fingerprint.

YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It). A formal expression of the fact that a programmer can often have a more beneficial effect on a project by staying in bed than by writing code.

In the last half-decade, we’ve witnessed the rise of a modern technocracy, where the elites have battled against the hidden forces of economic gravity to cling to power and wealth. By doing so, they created the greatest wealth transfer in history, but they have also destroyed 97% of the U.S. dollar’s purchasing power, producing a vast array of societal and economic defects, deficits, and delusions that will take generations to unwind. This, of course, has set us on a path toward economic ruin, and the inevitable death of the U.S. Dollar. It’s a question of when not if.

OOP. Wouldn’t programming be so much easier if we were making metaphors about objects instead of writing lines of functional code? No, not really? Well I wish you had spoken up before.

Integration Tests With Spring Boot, TestContainers, Liquibase, and JUnit 5 In this article, we will cover how to do integration tests in spring boot application with PostgreSQL DB, Liquibase…medium.com

Right now in the 21st century, as the stock market climbs to all-time highs, as the Wall Street machine peddles the “stonks only go up” narrative, as the departing Trump camp celebrates DOW 30,000, the financial rot continues to build under the surface. We’re getting to the stage where we can’t ignore the impending “great reset” any longer, the great unwind we must face to purge deformities from the system.

Sooner or later, most developers discover that a little bit of jargon goes a long way. Why call someone’s code good when you can say it’s clean or elegant? Why complain that the boss is rambling off-topic when you can just say that they’re raising an orthogonal issue? (It’s low-key shade, and it burnishes your geek credentials.)

Introduced as a preview feature in Java SE 14, record classes help to model plain data aggregates with less ceremony than normal classes. Java SE 15 extends the preview feature with additional capabilities such as local record classes.

Integration Tests With Spring Boot, TestContainers, Liquibase, and JUnit 5 In this article, we will cover how to do integration tests in spring boot application with PostgreSQL DB, Liquibase…medium.com

Looking back at history, it’s no surprise that today’s economic system produces a vast array of hardships, injustices, and inequalities. Century after century, dictators, bureaucrats, even convicted murderers, have commandeered the financial system, abolishing sound money principles to siphon off wealth for themselves. But no matter what empire, state, or nation the elites have come to rule over, each time, they lay the foundations for an inevitable collapse, corrupting the value of money, and destroying the currency they have bent to their will.

This is the dark power of tech jargon. Programming terms don’t always mean what they’re supposed to mean. Like when the VP of engineering looks at your code and asks why it’s stateful when she really means Why is this bad? Or when they ask you, on Friday evening, what the test coverage is for the brilliant code routine you just wrote, which really means Are you working on the weekend?

Catagory :general