Life in a fat body is something most people can never fully understand until they live it. To straight-sized people, we

Author : lkaik
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 17:26:52

We see this attitude time and time again. You on the Left care so much about human rights, but you don’t give a damn about those among you with eating disorders or larger bodies. You use us as punchlines. You use us to make weak or effortless arguments.

It’s just one more extension of diet culture and the ridiculous notion that an individual’s bodyweight has some direct correlation to their worth. It’s arrogant and shitty. It’s not even rational. But you do it, and most of you reading this are going to keep making fat jokes and using fat as an insult because you really don’t get it.

Likewise, body fat is not contagious. You aren’t going to catch our fat like COVID, yet so many of you insist on treating us like we’ve got the plague. So, please don’t add insult to injury by pretending that when you insult Trump for being fat or obese you haven’t also insulted us.

To you, and folks like Anderson Cooper, obesity equals laziness, gluttony, and self-destruction. Sometimes, you use it to denote mental health issues, but you almost always liken it to something we the irresponsible fatties have done to ourselves.

Please don’t pretend there’s a place for fat people — well, fat women — in politics at all. On the Left, there is virtually no place for fatness unless it’s attached to a story of grueling weight loss.

You might think that insults can be compartmentalized. As if you can insult Trump for being fat without it affecting the rest of us who are fat. But that’s incorrect. Trump is so evil and negligent that you should never need to stoop to critical body commentary. Over the years, I have doled out plenty of criticism against Donald Trump, yet I’ve never had to talk about him being fat. Why would I?

I understand that it’s convenient for you to use fat or obese as an insult, and to believe that Donald Trump is fat because he has no willpower. However, the experiences of millions upon millions of people suggest that obesity is much more complicated. So many of us are battling for our lives and struggling just to live in a world where you think we shouldn’t even exist.

So, here’s the problem with that. Once again, the Left, which supposedly gives a damn about human rights, is using a fat body as an insult, and those of us who despise Trump and are obese ourselves? We’re supposed to pretend it’s no big deal. That it’s even funny.

Bodyweight, shape, or size is not a behavior. If you or I ate the same exact food in the same quantities and got the same amount of exercise, we still wouldn’t have the same bodies.

Many of us have eating disorders, extensive trauma, or health problems like polycystic ovarian syndrome and lipedema. Obesity is not something people simply “bring upon themselves,” and to continue to suggest otherwise is so irresponsible and tone-deaf.

Honestly, can you imagine if Anderson Cooper used any other marginalized group to make his point? Right now, some folks with limb differences are in an uproar because the new film “Witches” turned a hand deformity into an indicator of evil. And they have a legitimate point.

get where this comes from. But it’s a big one. What makes a language “enterprise ready”? How is one language more enterprise ready than another? Java is probably one of the most popular languages in the enterprise space, but it’s not because Java itself is enterprise ready. It’s because of the existance of the Java EE Platform. I’m no Java developer, so I stand to be corrected here, but from what I understand, Java EE is a platform on which enterprise applications are built. Sounds kinda like a framework, right? So maybe the question should be “is enterprise ready?”

To criticize Trump for having a larger body is dehumanize anyone near his size or larger. If you really think that part of what makes the man so disgusting is his weight, what are the fat people in your life supposed to think about the way you see them?

And on the Right, there are some exceptions made for fat men. Some pastors and politicians get to be fat without too much complaint. But fat women? The Donald Trumps of this world make it clear that we are “pigs” or “dogs.”

Eating disorders are among the deadliest diseases with an incredibly high rate of suicide. Suicide is the most common cause of death among those of us with eating disorders. And out of all psychiatric disorders, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate.

Catagory :general