Living with Blood Cancer: Things You Need to Know

Author : shikhaarora1208
Publish Date : 2020-10-23 05:03:01

According to the statistics, India stands at third position regarding the number of blood cancer cases worldwide. With more than 7,00,000 blood cancer patients in the country, the surge in the number of cases has become a concerning issue today.


There are many blood cancer patients, from rural as well as urban areas, who are still devoid of proper awareness on the topic and their medical condition. The first step that the patient has to take is accepting the disease, something that is impossible unless you understand your medical condition thoroughly.


Hence, we have jotted down some crucial things into a coherent whole on must know about blood cancers. Keep reading to explore more.


Types of Blood Cancers

In India, the most prevalent form of blood cancer is Lymphoma (64%), followed by Leukaemia (at 25%) and at last myeloma (at 11%). Let’s have a look at them one by one:


  • Lymphoma

It is the cancer of the lymph system which affects the working of the lymphocytes (infection-fighting cells in the body)


  • Leukaemia

When the body starts producing white blood cells uncontrollably, which become malignant, the condition is known as Leukaemia.


  • Myeloma

Myeloma occurs when the plasma cells in the bone marrow begin to multiply inexorably, which consequently destroys the immune systems and damages other organs too.


Causes of Blood Cancer

Whilst the actual cause of blood cancer is not yet known, according to blood cancer specialists, there are many factors which might increase the risk of getting this disease. These are:


  • Tobacco and Alcohol Consumption

They tend to deteriorate the immune system, making it more susceptible to blood cancer.


  • Exposure to Radiations and Harmful Chemicals

Toxic chemicals found in gasoline and harmful radiations can alter your DNA sequence, thereby increasing the chances of getting blood cancer.


  • Genetics

Cancer genes passed on to the next generations might be dominant and show themselves sooner or later.


  • Age

As per the blood cancer specialists, some blood cancers are found to be prevalent in a particular age group. For example, Leukemia is common in children below 14 years of age.


Symptoms of Blood Cancer

Some common symptoms of blood cancer are:

  1. Anaemia
  2. Blood Clotting
  3. Decreased Immunity
  4. Prolonged Rashes
  5. Night Sweating
  6. Swollen Lymph Nodes
  7. Extreme Fatigue
  8. Persistent or Recurring Fever
  9. Loss of Appetite
  10. Respiratory Problems
  11. Bone Pain


Myths Related to Blood Cancer

Misinformation or half-knowledge can lead to drastic results. Hence, we have jotted down some popular myths followed by facts that you must be aware of:

  • Myth: Anaemia causes blood cancer

Fact: Anaemia is a symptom, not a cause of blood cancer

  • Myth: Leukemia is the other name of blood cancer

Fact: Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer, with Lymphoma and Myeloma being the other two.

  • Myth: Blood Cancer is incurable

Fact: The recent innovations in the field of medical science has given birth to numerous treatments for curing blood cancer like- chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplant, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.



Living with blood cancer does not require losing hope. Instead, it demands being more knowledgeable about the disease. In many cases, the symptoms of blood cancer are not experienced at all. Yet the illness within advances. Therefore, it is always better to partake in regular health checkups.

Also Read: Pancreatic Cancer – Causes & Factors That Put You at Risk

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