Maddaus’ idea of a resilience bank account is gradually building into your life regular practices that promote resilienc

Author : ealimkhanki
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 10:42:46

It’s also worth pointing out that you do still need to create every permutation of a component in your design system. So the creative process isn’t sped up. But by using variants, you’ll speed up when actually using components, and you’ll benefit in both efficiency and organisation.

For me, since I missed eating in restaurants and was tired of our same old dinners, I began subscribing to a meal-kit service. I hate cooking, but the meal kits were easy, and I was motivated by the chance to eat something that tasted more like what I’d order in a restaurant without having to invest energy in looking through recipes or ordering the right ingredients.

a special group of cells in the brain that are normally activated after we have eaten a big meal to tell us we’ve had enough. The psychoactive ingredient in weed appears to activate just one component of those appetite-suppressing cells, making us feel hungry rather than satisfied.

“There are two ways the brain deals with the world: the future and things we need to go after, and the here and now, seeing things and touching things,” Maddaus says. “Rather than being at the mercy of what’s going on, we can use the elements of our natural reward system and construct things to do that are good no matter what.”

[Calling it] ‘states’ waters down the power of it… It makes you think, just, states of a button, or states of an object, as opposed to ‘super customizable component that you can do whatever you want with… feature’

However, this might be something that’s coming soon though. Back in September, at Config Europe 2020, the Figma team showed off a new feature for prototyping simple component interactions, which means you won’t have to wire up every iteration of a component state when prototyping. You can watch the video here. It’s coming in January 2021 and is something I’m really looking forward to.

Those kinds of activities have a planning element and a here-and-now experience element. For Maddaus, for example, it was simply replacing all the showerheads and lightbulbs in the house. “It’s a silly thing, but it made me feel good,” he says.

Prototyping between variants doesn’t work exactly as you might expect just yet. You can’t hover on a button in its default state and have it seamlessly swap to a hover state, without wiring up lots of duplicate screens.

Okay, I’ve also been playing a lot of Animal Crossing, but Maddaus explains why it makes sense that creative activities like cooking, gardening, painting, house projects — or even building your own imaginary island out of pixels — can be fulfilling right now. He references the book The Molecule of More, which explores how dopamine influences our experiences and happiness, in describing the types of activities most likely to bring us joy.

All of this may sound like a really good way to handle component states. You’re probably therefore wondering, like I was, why the name ‘variants’ was used. Wayne Ng, from the Figma team, shed some light on this on Twitter, by sharing a clip of a usability test that Figma conducted with the team at Fidelity, who was testing an early beta of Variants.

“Helping others is one of those win-win strategies of taking action because we’re all feeling a sense of helplessness and loss of control about what’s going on with this pandemic, but when you take action with other people, you can control what you’re doing,” she says. Helping others could include checking in on family friends or buying groceries for an elderly neighbor.

“When we’re forced to rethink our options and broaden out what we think of as self-care, sometimes that constraint opens new ways of living and thinking,” Masten says. “We don’t have a lot of control over the global pandemic but we do over our daily lives. You can focus on plans for the future and what’s meaningful in life.”

Lots of coping advice has focused on “self-care,” but one of the frustrating ironies of the pandemic is that so many of our self-care activities have also been taken away: pedicures, massages, coffee with friends, a visit to the amusement park, a kickboxing class, swimming in the local pool — these activities remain unsafe in much of the country. So we have to get creative with self-care when we’re least motivated to get creative.

The biggest protective factors for facing adversity and building resilience are social support and remaining connected to people, Masten says. That includes helping others, even when we’re feeling depleted ourselves.

If you have a Figma file with a design system, or even just one with a few similar components, give Variants a spin. Select a group of components and hit that magical Combine as Variants button in the sidebar. So long as they are labelled with properties separated by a ‘/’ divider, it’ll work automagically.

Catagory :general