Make joint plans — from what you’re doing at the weekend, for the holidays, or with your shared lives. It’s so affirming

Author : bpwn.miha
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 18:51:48

Babylon.js 4.2 is massive step forward to one of the most powerful, beautiful, simple, and open web rendering platforms in the world. We truly cannot wait to see what you create with it!

Make joint plans — from what you’re doing at the weekend, for the holidays, or with your shared lives. It’s so affirming for your partner to know you’re “two feet in” the relationship— fully invested in building a life with them.

changes in recent Android releases around protecting user data and giving users more control and transparency over how their data is accessed. One of the major areas of focus has been in location, as users may not want applications having access to that data, and may want to control that access very carefully.

In 1988 Bertrand Meyer devised the CQS principle for object-oriented languages in the book Object-Oriented Software Construction. In simple words, the principle says that software should either modify the system (commands) or return values (queries) and you should maintain the command-query separation in your software.

Babylon.js 4.2 is massive step forward to one of the most powerful, beautiful, simple, and open web rendering platforms in the world. We truly cannot wait to see what you create with it!

3 Domain-Centric Architectures Every Software Developer Should Know The first concern of the architect is to make sure that the house is usable, it is not to ensure that the house is made…

As the name suggests, both sides are talking to a single database. Commands execute use-case in the domain which modifies the state of the entity. Then, the entity is saved into the database through ORM such as Entity Framework Core or Hibernate.

Martin Fowler in his blog post from 2005 is saying that it is not always possible to achieve such separation and he is right. A good example of it is returning the id of the just inserted record. First, you are saving the records into persistence (command) and second, you are getting its newly assigned id (query).

If you take advantage of the advanced instancing systems in Babylon.js then rendering thousands of objects at one time is a breeze. Babylon.js 4.2 advances the power of instances even further by unlocking several new superpowers, including instance buffers that allow individual instances to have unique properties such as mesh color. Things get even crazier when you leverage the new Thin Instance system which lets you render 10x more objects than ever before!

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) architectures expand the concept of command-query division at the architectural level. But these architectures are not architectures of the whole software system. It is a design of just one part of the software and that part is called the Application Layer.

The commands side should be responsible and optimized for writing data. Commands are executing use-cases, changing the states of entities, and saving them into persistence.

Babylon.js 4.2 features support for the latest .glTF extensions, both ratified and experimental! With constantly updated support of the latest capabilities of the .glTF format, Babylon.js ensures your 3D objects will render exactly how you expect them to. Babylon.js 4.2 adds support for the following .glTF extensions:

Full support for Physically Based Rendering (PBR) is a top priority for Babylon.js. With version 4.2 we’re pushing the limits of rendering even further, with some exciting new capabilities. Simulating the way light bounces around below the surface of semi-translucent objects is now possible with advanced sub-surface scattering support, and with the introduction of real-time PBR filtering, advanced refraction and reflection is now just a few lines of code away. With these advancements and more, Babylon.js 4.2 is capable of producing the most beautiful renders yet!

Every day, 3D objects are becoming more and more commonplace in e-commerce scenarios. Whether it’s designing your own room in 3D or simply rotating a product around in a viewer, 3D objects increase engagement and activation. This is why Babylon.js plays an active part in the 3D Commerce working group and features full and up to date support of all standards coming from this foundational effort. From across the globe, hundreds of companies are coming together to ensure 3D objects render consistently and beautifully across the web. Babylon.js 4.2 fully supports the first standards coming from this incredibly important effort: KHR_materials_variants.

The queries side should be responsible and optimized for reading data. Queries are reading data from persistence and then map them into the presentation layer required form. Such forms are mostly identified as Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).

Catagory :general