Many readers of my book Deep Work, for example, track how many hours they spent working without distractions on cognitiv

Author : ealimkhanki
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 10:33:37

In some cases, you may need to add new tasks into your to-do list or task system, while in other cases you may need to update your calendar, or even shoot off a quick message.

Beginners won’t find the concept of virtual environments relevant until they start working on some real projects. Take the following scenario: In one project, you use a particular package (A) that depends on version 1.0 of package X. However, in another project, you use package B, which depends on version 1.5 of package X.

Here’s the dilemma you’re running into: If you install X v1.0, your second project can’t operate. However, if you install X v1.5, your first project can’t operate. Do we have to use two different computers for these projects? Certainly, this expensive approach will work, but what if you have multiple projects? It’s definitely impractical to have separate computers for different projects.

To address the possible conflicts between different projects, there is a smart solution that prior Python programmers have already developed for us — the virtual environment. The overall idea is that we create isolated work environments for each of our projects such that the versions of the packages in one project won’t have conflicts with other incompatible versions of the same packages in other projects.

When facing a period of intense work anxiety, I’d find myself frequently returning to the disclaimer for about a week, after which my mind learned I wasn’t going to indulge in any interesting rumination, diminishing its urge to fret. You’ll likely experience a similar effect.

From THE TIME-BLOCK PLANNER: A Daily Method for Deep Work in a Distracted World by Cal Newport, published by Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2020 by Cal Newport

For most people, this means taking one last look at your email inbox, to ensure you didn’t miss something urgent, as well as reviewing your calendar and/or obligation-tracking system. When done with these checks, look over your weekly plan and update it as needed.

I came up with this ritual early in my career as a graduate student, where I would actually say the words “shutdown complete” out loud at the end of my shutdown ritual. It comes in handy later in the evening, when you might begin to feel a generalized background hum of work anxiety. To shut down this type of rumination, you can simply remind yourself: “I wouldn’t have said ‘shutdown complete’ if I hadn’t completed the shutdown ritual that convinced me I’m fine to avoid work until tomorrow.”

There are several approaches for managing virtual environments, such as venv and conda. Just to provide with you a proof of concept, the following code shows you the common manipulations of virtual environments using the venv module, which is part of the standard Python library.

The goal here is to convince yourself that there’s nothing being forgotten, or missed, or being kept track of only in your brain, and that you have a reasonable plan for the days ahead. All of these reassurances are the precondition for enabling your brain to fully shift its attention from work to life outside work.

fired last November, and had created a pop-up for Google employees visiting the website of IRI Consultants on the company’s internal network, reminding them of their “right to participate in protected concerted activities.” The message pointed Googlers to employees guidelines the company was required to post after a prior NLRB settlement in September. Google claimed this was a security violation. After her firing, Spiers told OneZero that she was questioned by a Google investigations team for three weeks without access to a lawyer. Spiers wrote in a Medium post that she struggled to repair her professional reputation as a result of Google’s accusations.

Learning a new programming language is not easy, especially if you don’t have any previous programming experience. However, learning Python is arguably more straightforward than learning several other languages because it endorses the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) learning approach for beginners. Simply put, to learn Python, we can just use a command console. You write your Python code (e.g. print(“Hello, World!”)), and the console will evaluate the code and print the output as applicable. This REPL approach provides real-time feedback about varied topics in Python, which makes Python learning straightforward.

From now on, you’ll see that your Terminal prompt has a prefix of (medium-env), which indicates that you’re working in the virtual environment as you’re supposed to be. You can do whatever you need to do, such as installing new packages.

From THE TIME-BLOCK PLANNER: A Daily Method for Deep Work in a Distracted World by Cal Newport, published by Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2020 by Cal Newport

Once the virtual environment is created, you can activate the environment by running the following code on your Mac (note that Windows uses a different command): source medium-env/bin/activate.

Catagory :general