Most people laugh off the term. “Oh, there’s my work spouse, late again. I should’ve made you breakfast this morning. Ha

Author : jimad.haaayely
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:56:35

I’m 47 years old. I’ve been in the workforce in some capacity for 30 years. I have seen a lot of work spouse relationships, including my own. I don’t know of many that didn’t end in — ahem.

We have things in common, from our generation to our career trajectory to our mutual friends. And he understands what it means if I’m struggling to meet a deadline and can give me the tools I need to make it to the finish line.

Think about this: What if the person you currently call your work spouse decides they need another work spouse. So now, they bring morning coffee to you and their second work spouse. And then they add another. Imagine your work spouse has five other work spouses. Would you be okay with that? No, you wouldn’t, because you want your work spouse to mirror an actual marriage. And for most of us, married in real life or not, that means it’s just the two of us.

Would he be my office husband if we worked in an in-person office? Hell no. But you know what he would be? My friend. I’d totally have lunch with him in real life. Maybe a pre-work coffee or even an after-work drink. The way I do with friends.

We are not having any more children. In large part, due to my realizing that I actually hate motherhood, I think this is the best decision. I would actually go crazy if we had another. Thankfully my husband is on board with this. But I see people getting pregnant and having their second and third kids, and I wonder what I’m doing so wrong and why I hate it so much.

Yep. We ended up dating, got married: babies, houses, dogs, the whole bit. We’re not together anymore. And now, we’re back to being the platonic friends we started out as back in the day.

n went to YouTube and manually searched for videos related to medicine and medical school. I found that my tool had captured all the ones I’d be interested in watching. In particular, the second video by a doctor called Kevin Jabbal was one that enjoyed.

I’m a freelancer and I work at several publications. I only have a work spouse at one. That’s sort of a cheat — especially in 2020, because we both work from home and don’t see each other in an actual office. Also, an office spouse is generally a relationship that’s understood by the rest of the office. This is a private office marriage.

Calling him anything with the word spouse in it, though? Referring to him that way with co-workers? Kee-keeing about how he’s essentially the replacement of an actual husband? Pass.

I hear it gets better, and it has to an extent. My friends all comment on how sad they are that their kids are growing up, but I haven’t felt one pang of sadness about mine growing up. I relish each additional piece of independence she gains.

I wish I knew what it would actually like to be a parent before I decided to get pregnant. I miss my old life. I miss just going out; I miss being able to pick up shifts at work whenever we don’t have to worry about child care. I miss being able to be spontaneous with my husband.

Yep. We ended up dating, got married: babies, houses, dogs, the whole bit. We’re not together anymore. And now, we’re back to being the platonic friends we started out as back in the day.

My husband and I have one child. A two-year-old girl, and while I can honestly say that I love her, I really hate being a mom. I will admit this is better than when she was brand new, but I still hate it. I hate the immense responsibility; I hate that all she wants is me a lot of the time. I do my best to be a good mom. We spend a lot of time together since I am a mostly stay at home mom, not by choice, and it may be changing soon, hopefully. We play, I had to her, we spend a lot of time outside. I try and teach her stuff and really be present. But I hate it. I look forward to her going for her naps, I can’t wait until she goes to bed at night so that I can have time away from her.

But still, I hit him up with tech stuff I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t understand. I let my hair down a bit when we chat. I ask him about stuff that’s not strictly work-related and sometimes he makes me spit take my coffee out with his views on, well, literally anything.

We are not having any more children. In large part, due to my realizing that I actually hate motherhood, I think this is the best decision. I would actually go crazy if we had another. Thankfully my husband is on board with this. But I see people getting pregnant and having their second and third kids, and I wonder what I’m doing so wrong and why I hate it so much.

Catagory :general