Most people talk to the same people. When it comes to standing out, a good rule of thumb is to not be like most people.

Author : jimad.haaayely
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:55:03

I’ll never forget that. Once she spoke up, everyone else did too. When the seminar was over, she was the person the audience wanted to buddy up with and not the man on stage.

Cigarette packs, coffee cups, and manilla folders were everywhere. I felt like I’d just walked into the set of a bad sales movie. The year was 2003. The place was Baltimore. The people who weren’t screaming into their phones were yelling at each other about how many deals they had going.

Could someone you know benefit from an introduction? Maybe your co-worker dreams of being a writer and your friend from college runs a successful blog. Or maybe a family friend is looking for a job and you know a woman in her sector. Connect these people. Put your name behind people you believe in.

Two months later, while attending the year-end party, the man’s words proved correct. Extrovert. Introvert. Ambivert. Young. Older. Single mom. Prep school kid. The numbers didn’t lie. Every single person who received an award that night for being a top producer picked up the phone more than the people who didn’t receive recognition.

As one of the more reserved people in the office, seeing this first-hand was super motivating. It opened my eyes to the fact that you don’t have to be someone who loves the spotlight to catch some rays.

Since that day, 17 years ago, I’ve been observing how quiet people stand out. In addition to choosing to be the type of person who shows up every day, below is a collection of my favorite lessons.

I hesitantly walked into the room wrecked with sweat. All the information the corporate trainer threw at me for the next few hours didn’t help to calm my nerves. But towards the end of his talk, he said something that stuck with me: “Your job is simple — pick up the phone 100 times each day. If you do that, I don’t care who you are, the rest will take care of itself!”

I thought for sure people would laugh at me when I enrolled in my first public speaking course. I grew up stuttering and I was scared to death I’d be made fun of. But the jokes never came. In fact, people embraced me and they thought I had a solid set of stones.

The best part about being shy is a lot of people don’t expect much. Doing just one thing that’s unexpected can turn a lot of heads in your direction and serve as a magnet for attracting the right kind of people. You may not always get it right. And at times, you may fall. But so what?

We were at a sales seminar when the speaker said something that didn’t sit right. We all looked at each other, but no one said a word. That is until a normally shy and reserved woman from my office stood up in front of the crowd and told the man she wasn’t buying what he was peddling.

One of the best networkers I know is shy. But he understands the key to moving quickly is getting people to talk positively about him behind his back. The way he accomplishes this is simple: he brings other people together.

lly called to make objects do stuff. For example, upper and capitalize for strings. The key to learn the intuition of methods in O.O.P. is to understand that methods are functions that operate on the attributes of a specific instance of a class. When we call the lower method on the string, we’re making the contents of that specific string lowercase.

You don’t have to grab a microphone to share your knowledge. Send a message to someone about an idea you had that can help them improve something they’re working on. Start a blog and give away your best ideas for free. Let other people run with them. Be proud of playing a role in seeing what they come up with.

Just as I began to think about making a run for the back door, the corporate trainer stuck his head outside the conference room and shouted, “We’re in here, Mike! Let’s go!”

During the same job as mentioned above, whenever something went wrong, while everyone else in the office was in hysterics, my manager would be thinking instead of speaking.

Catagory :general