NASA’s explanation was straightforward. The radios on the command and lunar modules were interfering with each other, ca

Author : kdashingchohan1
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 13:45:07

It was during that time of silence as they went ahead with their flight plan and also had a bit of a snack in between, an eerie sound began buzzing in the astronauts’ headphones creating panic and confusion within them. It was later described by them as a ‘whistling’ or ‘whooooo’ sound with a periodic howling of sorts that lasted almost an hour during the time the capsule was orbiting the far side of the moon.

Just a few months before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made their historic landing on the moon, three NASA astronauts circled the moon as part of the Apollo 10 mission. They were Commander Thomas Stafford, Command Module Pilot John Young, and Lunar Module Pilot Eugene Cernan.

When astronauts reached back to Earth, and NASA heard the recording of the ‘space music’, it shelved the recording and transcripts as classified. The ‘eerie music incident’ did not even get a mention in John Young’s memoirs ‘Forever Young’ later.

ing a person who can talk about their feelings or work on getting better at expressing them is like striking gold. Because life is difficult. Hard times happen. And having someone who communicates those experiences will help you both grow together rather than grow apart.

Hearing weird sounds like this should have been reported by the astronauts but instead, they chose to downplay it as this would have raised questions on their mental strength and any ‘crack’ found in their resolve would have derailed their careers indefinitely. They weren’t sure what to do, or whether to tell NASA. So they just ignored it. As Cernan said in a statement.

“I don’t remember that incident exciting me enough to take it seriously. Had we thought it was something other than that we would have briefed everyone after the flight. We never gave it another thought.”

Being on the dark side of the Moon meant that telecommunication signals could not reach the crew since the Moon stood between the lunar module and Earth. They had no communication with mission control in Houston for approximately two hours.

That said, concubinage was a complex practice in imperial China and for most of the women a necessary evil to be adopted simply because women at that time had only four options to survive; be a wife, work as a maid, be a concubine, or work as a prostitute.

Another explanation given was moonquakes happening on the moon at that instant that caused the crust to move, resulting in the ‘whistling’ sound. Since the moon is dry and rigid, any moonquake would cause it to ring like a tuning fork. This theory was also dismissed as no quakes were recorded at that time.

As part of the mission, their job was to test the technology that allowed the spacecraft’s lunar lander module to detach and re-attach to the command module. It was a dress rehearsal to the Apollo 11 moon landing mission later and as far as most people knew, it went smoothly without any hiccups.

Cernan even tried to lighten the situation by calling it some kind of ‘space-type music’. But it did not help much as the astronauts were spooked up according to a transcript of the mission.

One possible explanation is that sounds were static sounds generated by a magnetic field or the atmospheric interference with the radios. However, the idea was rejected as the moon neither has a magnetic field nor has an atmosphere to interfere with the lunar radios.

Commander Tom Stafford and lunar module pilot Gene Cernan were in the lunar module named Snoopy while John Young, command module pilot was in his spacecraft. As part of the test procedure, the two spacecraft were traveling separately and later would reattach together as part of the simulated lunar lift-off to be done as a dress rehearsal for the Apollo 11 moon landing mission later.

It was during the separation when the Apollo 10 spacecraft was on the dark side(the side of the moon facing away from earth) of the moon and out of contact with mission control when the astronauts heard the eerie ‘outer space music’ as Eugene Cernan calls it according to a transcript of the mission.

And out of the options available, being a concubine was one of the easiest ways available for a poor woman to earn social security and financial status if she can’t find a husband. Concubinage was also considered far safer than prostitution as there will be only one male partner and chances of getting sexual diseases were less.

Catagory :general