Norwegian entertainment presenter Kjersti Flaa notes that a technological time out is another crucial element of koselig

Author : whamzaoui.medamin
Publish Date : 2021-01-04 23:00:23

Read your notes out loud and organize them into the simplest narrative possible. Once the explanation sounds simple, it’s a great indicator that you’ve done the proper work.,I stumbled into UX several years ago after working in a combination of communication, marketing, and graphic design roles. I was unhappy in my position at the time, and I had filled my Google search history with sad entries like “how to find your passion,” “does anyone like their job?” and “where do I belong?”. After endless googling, I found some advice that resonated with me, and I still 100% agree with — work for a company about which you are genuinely passionate.,We take other men’s knowledge and opinions upon trust; which is an idle and superficial learning. We must make them our own. We are just like a man who, needing fire, went to a neighbor’s house to fetch it, and finding a very good one there, sat down to warm himself without remembering to carry any back home. What good does it do us to have our belly full of meat if it is not digested, if it is not transformed into us, if it does not nourish and support us?,We take other men’s knowledge and opinions upon trust; which is an idle and superficial learning. We must make them our own. We are just like a man who, needing fire, went to a neighbor’s house to fetch it, and finding a very good one there, sat down to warm himself without remembering to carry any back home. What good does it do us to have our belly full of meat if it is not digested, if it is not transformed into us, if it does not nourish and support us?,This sense of togetherness is one way that koselig differs from the isolationist interior craze of hygge. While hygge celebrates JOMO (the joy of missing out), koselig is more about joined joviality. Yes, it’s about being cozy, but it’s about a connecting coziness. “We feel the happiness of being together,” Skaug explains.,Sounds like a perfect plan. But how can you incorporate koselig into your pandemic winter? The key is to create a unified theory of coziness that includes connecting with others and spending time out in nature.,This was the best, most-actionable career advice I had ever received and led me to search through the apps on my phone. Those apps represented the brands that I respected the most as I allowed them real estate in my hand every day. I opened a tab for every company and scoured their job openings. I learned two things while doing this: One, every company was unfortunately located in Palo Alto, very far from my home in the Midwest. Two, many companies had openings for a UX Designer, so out of curiosity, I googled what that meant.,Even when it comes to coziness, a soothing, warm beverage alone isn’t enough, according to Zach Row-Heyveld, the exhibitions manager at the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, where he curated an exhibition on koselig in 2017. “If you just open a packet of hot cocoa and serve it to your friends with your bright overhead lights on, that’s not very koselig. Whereas if you prepare homemade hot cocoa in a mug that you made, with candles, that is very koselig. … All the difference is in the subtlety.”,Koselig might remind you of hygge, the seemingly similar Scandinavian concept of coziness that had a cultural moment circa 2016. Candles, fireplaces, and blankets are important in both. But while koselig is related to hygge, it’s more comprehensive. Leibowitz explains that the koselig mindset is about making the best out of a bad situation, finding a way to “connect with the opportunities of this moment for greater reflection and deeper meaning and stronger relationships and social connection.”,Randi Skaug was the first Norwegian woman up Everest; she has also climbed the Seven Summits and skied in the Antarctic. She says, “Togetherness is a very important part of the word itself. Because you wouldn’t say to yourself, ‘This is koselig.’ You’d say it when there’s someone else around.”,Stanford psychologist Kari Leibowitz discovered in her pioneering study on winter mindset that the further north people live in Norway, the more positive they tend to feel about winter. Why? The secret seems to lie in a word that sounds suitably like a magic spell: koselig (pronounced “koohshlee” and with the related noun variation kos). This untranslatable word indicates “a sort of shared, safe togetherness,” according to Scandinavian language expert Arne Kruse. “It can describe a house, a situation, a meal, a conversation, or a person,” conveying “this feeling of safe, warm, and good.” He points out that we do have a very similar word to “kos” in English, and that’s “cozy.”,Imagine joyous music and light shining out from my Macbook while I read description after description of the field of UX. I think I might have even levitated off my chair. Everything about it sounded perfect for me, a highly-organized person with a graphic design background, some coding knowledge, and an enthusiasm for technology.,Depending on a book’s complexity, you might be able to explain and remember the ideas after the previous. If you feel unsure, however, you can add an additional simplification layer.,Bar chart is used to simulate the changing trend of objects over time or to compare the figures / factors of objects. Bar charts usually have two axes: one axis is the object / factor that needs to be analyzed, the other axis is the parameters of the objects.,More than ever, it seems set to be a season of survival for those of us who have already been through some form of quarantine. What we need — right now, long before what could be the most testing of times — is a strategy borrowed from those perplexing people who don’t just survive but thrive during the winter: the Norwegians.

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