Of course, there are hundreds more excellent psychology books I could add, and who knows how many must-read books that I

Author : ahamza.milano.542
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 04:38:41

If my friend were to ask me today, I’d be more prepared and I’d start off by saying it doesn’t take a complete overhaul to change your life. If you have the drive to do it, there are certain small habits that can impact your life in a massive way. In fact, since being asked that question, I’ve not only reinvented my career. But at the age of 42, I’ve also never been in better physical shape. A big reason for that is because I now prioritize the four habits below.,We received the call we’d been waiting for. An angel investor was ready to make us an offer. After some back and forth, despite it being a “biggish” amount of money, we said no. The main reason for this is because we were still figuring out what we do and knew that it would be way too easy to completely waste the money.,When I turned 39 years old, a friend of mine asked me an interesting question: “Most people spend the first half of their lives collecting, and the second half determining what to keep. Now that you’re getting close to the top of the hill, what lessons do you plan to hold on to?”,One of the tricks that helped me to kick off a running habit was leaving my running shoes near the front door. Every time I walked by them I got a shot of guilt and it motivates me to lace them up and hit the pavement.,My mom told me about the exercise above. When it comes to simplifying my closet, it’s been a godsend. Every single piece of clothing I own serves a purpose. After some time, if I discover that something isn’t being of use, I get rid of it.,I’ve reached that stage in my life where I want my life as clean as my closet. I want my life to be lightweight. I want to be surrounded by people that fuel me and spend my time on activities that light me up.,Fill your bookshelves with pictures that make you smile and sprinkle the books you had on them around your house. The same goes for fruit. Put an apple on your desk each day. You will eat it. Make sure you have a banana next to your coffee machine. You will eat it.,At the time I didn’t have a clear answer, hence why I write, I get time to think. Since being asked this question, however, not a day has passed when I haven’t thought about it.,“Go into your closet. Take all of your shirts and hang them all so they’re all facing the same direction. When you’re done wearing one, hang it up so it’s facing the other direction so you have a ‘worn’ camp and an ‘unworn’ camp. After 90 days, grab all of your unworn shirts, and give them to someone who will wear them.”,In the movie Frozen 2, there’s a scene where Queen Elsa is going through an extremely challenging time. Grand Pabbie, a wise old troll, calmed her anxiety with this one simple piece of advice — “When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.”,Having a clean closet reminds me of this. It serves as a reminder — much like my friend’s question that kicked off this article — that some things aren’t worth holding on to. We only have a certain amount of space in our lives. Chooses to hold on to things that add value to your life.,But if you haven’t heard of any of these, or if maybe you have heard of at least one of them but just haven’t found the time to read it yet, I hope I was able to stir up your curiosity a little bit. Remember, the cure for boredom is curiosity! Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no cure for curiosity.,But if you haven’t heard of any of these, or if maybe you have heard of at least one of them but just haven’t found the time to read it yet, I hope I was able to stir up your curiosity a little bit. Remember, the cure for boredom is curiosity! Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no cure for curiosity.,If we’ve learned anything over the last 8 months it’s that life can change on a dime. When you’re feeling stuck, steal a line from Grand Pabbie and ask yourself: “What’s the next right thing I can do?”,This past week my friend and psychologist Nick Wignall shared a suggestion to make this decision easier. Take 5 minutes and write down everything that is stressing you out. Once you are done, go back and circle the things that are in your control. Then read over the circled items again, choose the easiest one, and get to work.

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