Of course, you can’t just eradicate your expectations entirely. They have their uses now and then. The trick is to get i

Author : emeryem
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 09:20:17

In the same way that displaying Machine Learning algorthim results to stakeholders is beneficial, so is visualizing data analysis to yourself and your team. The same tools from the above section can also be utilized for this use case. It is important to get a sense of your data before implementing the steps in your Data Science process, like Machine Learning algorthim comparison. You can compare data — its columns and rows, visually as well.

Data Scientists and Stakeholders may have the most fun and use out of this reason for using visualization. After all the hard work is put in, you can see how your model is performing. You can set up alerts for when accuracy or an error metric like root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) is above or below a certain threshold. Perhaps, you will notice that your model is doing worse as time goes on, suggesting that you either need more data or you need to change something else about your model to make sure that it is similar or better to where it was before.

When you touch a hot pan on the stove, is the pain bad? Nope, not at all. Even though pain feels bad, it’s actually good! Pain is a messenger telling you to move your hand so you avoid the real danger — tissue damage resulting from third-degree burns.

Now that we have solved the problem of explaining a complex process to others, we also now know how to solve explaining results to others in an easily interpretable way. The answer, of course, is data visualization. For this example, we assume that we have built a model already and need to explain the results to stakeholders. One of the easiest and best ways to explain results is through simple charts. For example, we will look at results from a model in terms of amount per group. A quick way to show how The United States is performing by the state is through the use of heatmaps. You can color code depending on your respective scale for example. This type of visualization is easier to understand rather than a file with an overwhelming amount of columns with long values.

If you wait to work on that novel you’ve been wanting to write until you feel “truly inspired,” it’s never going to happen (and you’re gonna feel bad about yourself in the meantime).





















resting figure. A precociously gifted child, he almost died after contracting polio. The disease left him unable to walk without the help of braces or a crutch. That he was able to largely disguise his ailment from the American public and perform his duties almost unhindered for twelve years, is a testament to his character.

But if you treat your painful emotions like enemies by running away from them or trying to eliminate them, you train your brain to see them that way in the future — and this only makes you more reactive to them and keeps your mind constantly stressed out and worried.

Thank you for reading my article! I hope you found it both interesting and useful. Please feel free to comment down below on the reasons why you use data visualizations as a Data Scientist.

If you wait to start that new business you’ve dreamed of until you’re feeling confident enough, it’s never going to happen (and you’re gonna feel bad about yourself in the meantime).

The antidote, painful as it may sound, is to learn how to do what matters regardless of how you feel. This is the only way to stop the constant stream of regrets and disappointments.

Easier said than done of course. Obviously, it’s easier to go to the gym if you’re feeling energized, just like it’s easier to ask out that cute guy when you’re feeling confident.

Data Science can be complicated, but there are ways to improve its understanding by means of data visualization. We have covered several reasons why a Data Scientist should not just know programming and statistics but also know visualization techniques.

Thank you for reading my article! I hope you found it both interesting and useful. Please feel free to comment down below on the reasons why you use data visualizations as a Data Scientist.

Another way to easily visualize your data is by using Pandas Profiling [5]. With one line of code, df.profile_report(), you can display common and powerful charts, like descriptive statistics through histograms, heatmaps, and matrixes. Below is an example of visualizing your exploratory data analysis with variable examination and correlation plots. These visuals are great for diving into the data to gain a better sense of abnormalities, trends, and relationships between features. This visual analysis can save you time on incorporating possible features into your Machine Learning algorithm as well (before performing feature engineering).

After all, it’s hard enough to cope with the stress of workplace politics or family drama when your mind is clear and still. But when you’re trying to do it with a mind that’s buzzing with worries and insecurities, regrets and ruminations, frustrations and irritations, well… it can be overwhelming, if not completely debilitating.

Catagory :general