Once you start reading, write one to two sentences in your favourite note-taking app to summarise what you learn. You ca

Author : 2suli12011f
Publish Date : 2021-01-04 22:58:24

An unfamiliar source of knowledge can force your brain to do more, think better or focus more. Switching it up makes you use more of your senses to take in information, and staying more engaged to retain more of it.,The good news is, you don’t even have to spend a lot of time sharpening your mind every day. 15 minutes may seem like a short amount of time to improve an important organ in your body but doing it consistently can have a significant effect for a very long-term.,In this tutorial, I have shown you the different techniques used to perform data normalisation: single feature scaling: min max, z-score, log scaling, clipping. Thus, the question is: what is the best technique? Actually, there is not a technique better than the others, the choice of a method rather than another depends on what we want as output. Thus:,Then I did research and discovered people were tying fitbits to various machines and drills to juke up their step counts. I couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t even a competition for money or prestige. We weren’t even using our real names in the group. Why?,Your brain isn’t just for thinking. It controls everything you do — doing everything you can to maintain it, protect it or enhance it can do you more good over the long-term.,When you focus on new media or topic, you develop concentration, which is crucial for healthy ageing. If you’re finding yourself bored with reading, listen to an audiobook or podcast. Remember to take a break in after every new media type.,Learning how to get your mind active can improve your cognition skills in the long-term especially as you get older. “Regular mental challenges force you to think. Use it, or you’ll lose it,” says Constantine Lyketsos, PhD, professor at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.,Return a copy of string s with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxreplace is given, the first maxreplace occurrences are replaced.,We can generate random numbers but what if we needed to generate random bytes? Prior to 3.9 version, the developers had to get creative to generate the random bytes. Although we can use os.getrandom(), os.urandom() or secrets.token_bytes() but we can’t generate pseudo-random patterns.,Mental exercises are not just good for improving your mind, they are also great for protecting your brain, retrieving information, recalling what we learn quickly and sharpening your focus. Numerous studies reveal the importance of mental activities as we age.,Whether you are interested in health, relationships, personal finance, career-specific, art, philosophy, marketing, sales, or psychology, there are tons of information available to help you level up. You can start here.,Return a copy of string s with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxreplace is given, the first maxreplace occurrences are replaced.,In this tutorial, I have shown you the different techniques used to perform data normalisation: single feature scaling: min max, z-score, log scaling, clipping. Thus, the question is: what is the best technique? Actually, there is not a technique better than the others, the choice of a method rather than another depends on what we want as output. Thus:,Include the actions that characters do in between their words. It’s an excellent way to break up the “he said,” “she said” parade in dialogue when you substitute action for dialogue tags. Gestures are also useful for revealing power dynamics (is a character “above” another, say standing on the stairs?), showing conflict through irony (“I do love you,” he picked up the knife and began slashing the peppers), subtext, and character (quirky actions make quirky characters).,Most people spend a couple of hours every week on muscle-strengthening activities, weight training routines and cardio exercises. They make a lot of time to train their bodies but not their brains.

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