One of the most useful things I’ve learned throughout this journey, is how to make a product backdrop. If there’s ever a

Author : bahmed.lovel
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 00:55:39

Microsoft’s Fluent design system goes heavy on this effect as well. They call this particular element The Acrylic and showcase it as an integral part of their design system.

Although the changes I made to the donut weren’t entirely small, you get an idea of the work ethic behind successful people like Zach King — and it motivates you to push things just a little further.

Last year I unintentionally started the craze around Neumorphism, but as I predicted then, it didn’t really take over the design scene. In that very first article, I also mentioned all the potential accessibility problems this style faces, which hopefully helped all the other articles raising accessibility issues that year :-)

That verticality and the fact you can see through it, means users can establish hierarchy and depth of the interface. They simply see which layer is on top of which, just like pieces of virtual glass.

to communicate with a database where the data lives. If the data is a treasure buried underground, then SQL is the shovel to dig up the raw form of the treasure. More concretely, it allows us extract information from one or a combination of several tables in the database.

Truthfully, I gave myself a month to learn 3D, but spent about half that time actually doing anything. Some animations would take hours to render, and during that time, I’d just leave my setup and go do something else.

Acrylic is a type of Brush that creates a translucent texture. You can apply acrylic to app surfaces to add depth and help establish a visual hierarchy. — Microsoft Fluent Design System

I came across this video where VFX artist, Zach King, brings up “the extra 10 percent”. After filming each set, they (the team) ask themselves if there’s anything (small) they can do to improve the work.

Apple has since greatly reduced the blurry-glass effect in their mobile OS, but recently brought transparent-blurs back with Mac OS Big Sur. Just look at this Sketch window and how the blurred part of the photo above bleeds through it. I highlighted the places, where background blur is the most clearly visible.

The UX Collective donates US$1 for each article published in our platform. This story contributed to Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.

Sure — there were some apps and products done in this style, but most notable, widespread uses were in some Samsung ads and in the MKBHD intro video. So not any full products, but rather smaller elements which proves my thesis that this style can work if used scarcely and if the objects on these backgrounds still hold their structure and readability without the decoration.

There is a new style on the block right now and it’s growing in popularity. While Neumorphism was imitating an extruded, plastic surface (but still looking like one layer), this new trend goes a bit more vertical. It’s most defining characteristics are:

Background blur was first widely introduced in 2013 with iOS 7. It was a pretty radical change but with all the controversy around the ultra-light fonts and ugly icons, it was one of the changes that weren’t really disputed. People seemed to like it.

I took things at my own leisurely pace — playing video games, watching shows on Netflix, spending time with family, etc. What I’m trying to say is, please remember to take breaks! It’s important to look after yourself especially during these times.

Of course, as with any UI trend, it’s often overused on Dribbble. This is beginning to pick up slowly and there are already some nice looking examples. Of course they all have a lot to do with the presentation, as on an actual phone screen they won’t have an easy to see background to overlay onto. That’s simply because apps on phones are all full-screen.

Catagory :general