Online courses require a diversity of skills to create and launch. You’ll need to know how to create a website to host y

Author : nach
Publish Date : 2021-01-04 23:06:31

In order to facilitate adoption, many Data Science and Machine Learning libraries have already been implemented such as ScikitLearn.jl, TextAnalysis.jl, StatsModels.jl. Additionally, Julia can also be used in a traditional Jupyter Notebook. If you are interested in finding out more about Julia for data science, this YouTube course is a great place where to start.,Go is nowadays one of the most promising system programming language. This programming language was in fact developed by Google in order to make application and development scaling easier. Some of the key characteristics of Go are:,Project Management — An online course is a project, and projects require focus, perseverance, and consistency. Getting things done is a skill. By creating a course, you master this skill and handle projects better.,According to the 2020 Stackoverflow Developer Survey [2], the following programming languages were the ones most loved by developers in 2020 (Figure 1). As part of this article, we are going to consider 5 of them.,Deciding to learn a relatively new programming language in our spare time can at times be a risky investment of our time since we can’t be sure of how this new language will be perceived by the job market in the next few years. On the other hand, newer programming languages have in most cases been carefully designed in order to make the most out of the recent advancements of technology, therefore potentially giving us an edge in the long run. Some of the key advantages of using newer programming languages could therefore be:,Remember, you deserve someone who’s kind and honest with you. Remember, you deserve someone who respects you and your rights. If someone isn’t treating you well, you’re allowed to let them go. You can also consider trying out “I statements,” an effective tool for communicating your concerns and needs.,I recently read about how two guys took three months and around $1,000 to create an online course on iOS 7 app development. Their course was sold at $99, and they made around $40,000 selling that course.,Technical Skills — These cover the technical aspects of your online course: website, email, design, videos, etc. You don’t need to be a designer, coder, or videographer to create professional websites and video courses, but you do need to learn the basics. Various tools can help you make the process faster and easier.,Scala is currently considered to be one of the best programming languages for functional programming (it does although still provide support for object-oriented programming approaches). In terms of search popularity, Scala seems to have peaked around 2018–2019 on Google Searches (Figure 6).,Programming languages like Python and R are now quite popular in ambits such as Data Science, Machine Learning and general-purpose computational/numerical tasks thanks to their ease of use. However, these languages had not originally been designed in order to work on highly scalable systems. This can therefore make it difficult to work with this type of programming languages for large enterprise solutions. In order to overcome this type of problem, Julia has been created by a group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Some of the key features of Julia are:,As mentioned before, one of the key issues associated with Python is it’s poor scalability performances. In order to try to overcome this problem, different systems such as Cython and Numba have been implemented to create C like performance levels while coding in Python.,One of the main reason for the popularity of Scala is Apache Spark (a data-management tool built with Scala). Apache Spark is in fact one of the most popular big data tools for Hadoop integration (fast processing of large amounts of data).,Effective Speaking — Online courses are often made of videos. Sure, your course may have downloadable PDF or Word files, but the main format of your course would involve active talking and teaching. Creating a course helps you become a better speaker.,After reaching a peak around 2014, Go had a quite consistent amount of Google searches throughout the years. Go is currently one of the most popular programming languages on Cloud platforms such as Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.,Python is in these days the most popular programming language for Data Science and Machine Learning tasks. It was first developed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and since then it has just been increasing in its popularity (Figure 5).

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