Perhaps the mind is like a story about the vessel of the body (or brain) that the universe makes in order to know itself

Author : rmostafa1
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 07:14:55

ill try to train a GAN to generate abstract art. The reason why I did not use realistic artworks to train the GAN is due to the fact that the computer would need to learn something about the real world and how they interact in order to create truly original realistic art.

Indeed, consciousness could, as Penrose has suggested, be a result of the quantum entanglement of the brain with itself causing it to become self-aware via its global connectedness, in which case, consciousness is not unique but endemic to the universe. It is only in the brains of higher organisms, however, that it achieves the level of organization to create genuine self-awareness.

The opposite is happening in the Matrix’s commentary of gender. As deeply couched in allegory as it was, there was buried a message about society’s orderly definitions and expectations the Matrix represents and the messiness of reality.

This is the battle between, on the one hand, language and mathematics, which is formed of logical statements and definitions, and, on the other, perception, between the pure order that the human mind would have and the controlled chaos that is reality. Truth is only possible when we escape reality into the mind, but it is a truth that then has only a tenuous connection to lived experience.

Hameroff, Stuart, and Roger Penrose. “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness.” Mathematics and computers in simulation 40.3–4 (1996): 453–480.

Thus, while Plato seeks to escape the real world into a world of perfect order, Neo seeks to escape a world of perfect order to the real world. Most human beings necessarily exist somewhere between the two.

According to science, a lie is something that goes against evidence. The evidence contradicts it. In logic and mathematics, it is something that violates logic. It is a logical contradiction.

{ 'number':'117', 'language':'en', 'insult':'Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.', 'created':'2020-11-22 23:00:15', 'shown':'45712', 'createdby':'', 'active':'1', 'comment':'' }

{ [ { 'quote_id':1, 'quote':'I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger!', 'author':'Walter White', 'series':'Breaking Bad' }, { 'quote_id':2, 'quote':'Stay out of my territory.', 'author':'Walter White', 'series':'Breaking Bad' }, { 'quote_id':3, 'quote':'IFT', 'author':'Skyler White', 'series':'Breaking Bad' } ..... ] }

In science, away from the crystal palaces of mathematics, theories are only as good as the evidence that supports them. They aren’t true so much as not yet proved false. We don’t know if they are yet lies.

Indeed, this is what both Plato and the Wachowski Sisters were fighting: a battle of language versus reality, but they were on opposite sides. For Plato, the world of forms, where the order of the philosopher’s mind was king, was reality. This world, formed of statements, definitions, and logic, contained truths while the world of perception was only lies and half-truths.

Hameroff, Stuart, and Roger Penrose. “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness.” Mathematics and computers in simulation 40.3–4 (1996): 453–480.

Maybe that is what is really fishy with reality. We don’t know anything is true except the products of our own minds: pure logic and mathematics, where proofs can wall off statements from destruction. Everything else we perceive or hold dear are merely conjectures waiting for counterexamples.

It is much easier to prove something is a lie (or “false” to use a more neutral term) than that something is true. You just have to find evidence to the contrary. In mathematics, all you need to cause the most complex assertion to come tumbling down is one counterexample. Consider Euler’s Sum of Powers conjecture, proposed in 1769 by the greatest mathematician who ever lived, Leonard Euler. It stood for 200 years until a single counter example disproved it in 1966. If Euler had been able to prove it, of course, we would have known no such counterexample exists.

Could the universe, with its high level of organization at the scale of billions of lightyears, be aware of itself in this way through the instantaneous connection of entanglement? Nobody knows.

Catagory :general