React Native is based on JavaScript programming language, which is the most significant factor contributing to its incre

Author : ahamzaayechitnc
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 08:47:55

So whether you are developing a traditional native app or a cross-platform app, a common thread that runs through every app is mobile security. And this is something that can no longer be taken lightly.

Sooner or later, most developers discover that a little bit of jargon goes a long way. Why call someone’s code good when you can say it’s clean or elegant? Why complain that the boss is rambling off-topic when you can just say that they’re raising an orthogonal issue? (It’s low-key shade, and it burnishes your geek credentials.)

In technical terms, the source JS files are compiled into one single bundle file which is known as an “entry-file”, and in the development mode, this file is bundled on a local server and fetched by the application.

With so many features and qualities to leverage with React Native framework, many businesses are looking for RN mobile app development solutions to accelerate their business growth. But, despite being using a feature-rich framework, app security is one of the most critical concerns of the businesses. So let’s learn how React Native apps work and where it is required to enhance the app security?

control (C2) and malicious servers are configured by their creators like any other server and then deployed across their fleet. These therefore tend to produce unique JARM fingerprints. For example, when scanning Trickbot Malware C2s from a list compiled by, 80% of the live IPs on the list produced the same JARM fingerprint. When comparing this JARM fingerprint against the Alexa Top 1 Million websites, there was no overlap.

Integration Tests With Spring Boot, TestContainers, Liquibase, and JUnit 5 In this article, we will cover how to do integration tests in spring boot application with PostgreSQL DB, Liquibase…

This is the dark power of tech jargon. Programming terms don’t always mean what they’re supposed to mean. Like when the VP of engineering looks at your code and asks why it’s stateful when she really means Why is this bad? Or when they ask you, on Friday evening, what the test coverage is for the brilliant code routine you just wrote, which really means Are you working on the weekend?

YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It). A formal expression of the fact that a programmer can often have a more beneficial effect on a project by staying in bed than by writing code.

When it comes to securing your app, network security is one of the prime concerns of the developers. Usually, mobile applications communicate with the backend server via APIs and always use SSL encryption to protect network traffic.

One of them is the main thread which is commonly running in other native applications as it handles displaying the elements of the user interface and processes user gestures. At the same time, the other one is related to the React Native that helps in executing the JavaScript code in a different JavaScript engine.

OOP. Wouldn’t programming be so much easier if we were making metaphors about objects instead of writing lines of functional code? No, not really? Well I wish you had spoken up before.

To further secure your connection, you need to pin to server certificates as https endpoints could still leave your data unprotected and increase the chance of interception. So along with https, the client will only trust the server that is pre-installed with the valid certificate signed by the concerned authority.

All these bundle files are present in the “assets” folder, as like Cordova. So we can assume React Native apps as containers that run JS code and are implemented in “expo”. And “expo” can run different business logics in a single app, following certain limitations.

Basically, SSL encryption protects mobile apps against the requested data being read in plain text in the gap when it leaves the server and before it reaches the client. SSL encryption will ensure that your endpoint will remain secure, as it makes it started with https:// instead of http://. However, the security game is not ending here.

Cost-effectiveness is the best selling factor of React Native, as it allows you to develop cross-platform apps that seamlessly runs on multiple operating systems with “Write Once Run Anywhere” capabilities.

Catagory :general