REST has been used by many developers to send data over HTTP whereas GraphQL is typically presented as a technology to r

Author : dseo20135
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 05:21:02

It uses a single endpoint instead of following the HTTP specification for caching. Caching at the network level is important as it can reduce the amount of traffic to a server.

ty and self-awareness to know when you have failed. And it’s hard to “dare greatly” and have the courage to try something new if you feel robbed of the reward you felt you were entitled to. It’s why so many people are shackled to a victim mentality.

This is when GraphQL shows it’s power. We need to specify the query and we can get the desired output. To achieve the same using GraphQL, we can use a query similar to this:

REST(Representational state transfer) is an API design architecture that’s used to implement web services by using a predefined set of stateless operations (including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

GraphQL is an API design architecture that takes a different approach where everything is regarded as a graph implying it’s connected. This also means you can tailor your request in such a way that you can request for anything from the endpoint and you will get whatever you requested and nothing more. We pass queries and get responses. In addition to this, it lets you combine different entities into a single query.

But in all these cases we are over-fetching the data. For example, in the first request, we need only the name, but we get all the details about the user when we use this approach.

The core idea of REST is that you would retrieve a resource by putting through a request to the resource’s URL and get a response (usually JSON, but it depends on the API).

Faster development in the Client. Usually, when there are changes in the data requirements, you would just need to modify the query and there isn’t much change required, thus allowing rapid product iterations. Both the client and server teams can work independently, provided that both the teams know the structure of the data.

Let’s say, for example, we are displaying a user’s feed with a list of the user’s post and his/her followers. In our case, we have to display the author of the post, the posts as well as the followers for that user.

REST automatically puts caching into effect whereas GraphQL has no automatic caching system, but using clients such as Apollo Client, Relay, etc. will make caching possible.

Error handling in REST is much simpler as compared to GraphQL, which typically gives you a 200 OK status code, even if there’s an error. But, when using clients such as Apollo Client, Relay, etc. it is very much possible to handle errors easily.

Under-fetching — This is when the API endpoint doesn’t provide all of the required information. So, the client has to make multiple requests to get everything the application needs.

I hope this might help you make decisions in your future projects. If you like to share your experiences about GraphQL or REST, drop them in the comments section. Thank you for reading!

I hope this might help you make decisions in your future projects. If you like to share your experiences about GraphQL or REST, drop them in the comments section. Thank you for reading!

GraphQL certainly has many advantages over REST, but it might not always the best implementation. Like I said earlier, the choice depends on your application, whether to choose REST or GraphQL.

Catagory :general