Slavery is child rape. That should not be considered a shocking thing to say. We should know it already. We should know

Author : smuh_raof1
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:59:02

Life’s full of lessons we wish we’d learned sooner. Hey, we didn’t. We learned them the slow way. Maybe they were lessons we couldn’t pick up from hearing someone else’s story, or reading some book.

conjoined twin thing as an opportunity rather than a liability. She decided to display the girls in a British pub’s rear room in her sideshow. People could see the twins for two pennies. Some people used to lift up their shirts to see if they were really conjoined or not. The sisters wrote in their book.

So, here’s the deal: For a number of years, the content management system I used for my newsletter was based on Node.js, which generally stores its many parts inside of folders called node_modules. Any small Node applet inside of the primary Node app can also have a node_modules folder. These apps basically build on one another, creating a Russian nesting doll of sorts, each folder filled with its own tiny folders, of which there can be thousands included in a single directory.

Dropbox traditionally has not handled lots of small files particularly well. And in the past, my Dropbox folder has brought computers large and small to their knees… and made them kick up the fans.

Little promises matter just as much as big ones. It’s one thing to promise you’ll wash the dishes then forget. It’s another to do that every night for a week. That said, nobody can keep 100 percent of their promises. When you have to break a promise, apologies are worth more than excuses.

The worst fights are the ones you don’t even care about. Your bad mood just hits theirs like an opposing storm front. You feel vindictive, so you turn everything that bothers you into a weapon. You want to hurt them, just so you can see them in pain. Or maybe you want them to see yours, and getting angry is the only way you know how.

We all have our own versions of lessons and truths that we should’ve known up front, ones that look obvious to everyone else. They weren’t obvious to us until we lived through them.

It’d be easy to end on some cliche like, “You can’t teach anyone how to love you.” But that’s wrong. That’s exactly what dating is — teaching. You’re showing someone how to love you, and they’re showing you. Be a good teacher. Be a good student.

It’d be easy to end on some cliche like, “You can’t teach anyone how to love you.” But that’s wrong. That’s exactly what dating is — teaching. You’re showing someone how to love you, and they’re showing you. Be a good teacher. Be a good student.

Cheating never just “happens.” They let it. They put themselves in situations where they know they’ll lose control. When they justify their cheating, they’re also trying to convince themselves it was okay. Part of them always knows better. They just don’t listen to that part.

I’m not a video editor, but I’m pretty sure I brutally slayed the M1 MacBook Air I just bought (8 GB RAM and a 512 gigabyte SSD, in case you were wondering) in less than a day of use.

It comes down to two reasons, really: The lack of an Apple Silicon-optimized Dropbox app (it’s coming), and a solid decade-plus track record of bad habits in terms of how I store my old projects.

Here was a fanless, highly optimized computer with a chipset said to allow for comically robust battery life — Apple claims 18 hours, and many reviewers have gotten close to that. How’d it do? Well at first, I thought it was holding its own. However, I soon noticed that Dropbox was taking up three-quarters of my RAM, and that my swap file was reaching 10 gigabytes in size. Even after letting it sit around overnight to sync, it still wasn’t done — and worse, I started seeing beach balls.

The pampered privileged of our nation do not like to spend their time thinking about the terrible crimes of the past. Suburban citizens feel they are entitled to persist within the protected bubble of a sheltered delusion. The problem is that these same people have no qualms about spreading false opinions, or even launching political careers. The result is an entire social structure contorted with an irresponsible unwillingness to face the facts of history.

Half of a healthy relationship is just getting rid of your personal hangups, and all the rules and expectations we force on each other, ideas we picked up that have no real value or purpose.

Catagory :general