“So as many of you I love running around the lake near my house on the weekends. As less of you know, I also like to kic

Author : jdav
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 06:35:39

I was shocked. “I can’t believe you did this”, I said. “I’ve always been curious about silent retreats. I’ve always wondered if I would ever dare to do something like that. It sounds so hard and scary.”

*the corr() method has a parameter that allows you to choose which method to find the correlation coefficient. The Pearson method is the default, but you can also choose the Kendall or Spearman method.

ID Year IMDb Rotten Tomatoes Netflix ID 1.000000 -0.254391 -0.399953 -0.201452 -0.708680 Year -0.254391 1.000000 -0.021181 -0.057137 0.258533 IMDb -0.399953 -0.021181 1.000000 0.616320 0.135105 Rotten Tomatoes -0.201452 -0.057137 0.616320 1.000000 0.017842 Netflix -0.708680 0.258533 0.135105 0.017842 1.000000 Hulu -0.219737 0.098009 0.042191 0.020373 -0.107911 Prime Video 0.554120 -0.253377 -0.163447 -0.049916 -0.757215 Disney 0.287011 -0.046819 0.075895 -0.011805 -0.088927 Runtime -0.206003 0.081984 0.088987 0.003791 0.099526

Conversely, the plot points on the age and baby teeth scatter plot start to form a negative slope. The r value of this correlation is -0.958188. This signifies a strong negative correlation. Intuitively, this also makes sense. As a child gets older they lose their baby teeth.





















a project you want to work on, you must find the best time to achieve the combination of the most energy and the least interruptions. For most people that means waking up earlier in the morning. Some are night owls. You know yourself. Think in terms of energy management, not time management.

“Well I’ve done a Vipassana silent retreat. You go to this remote place with a group of people, and you meditate everyday, in total silence, for hours at a time, for 10 days straight.”

At this point, I told my CEO I also meditated and was interested in the practice of meditation. Bear in mind that he was done with his meal, he probably had a ton of things to do, and a lot of reasons to cut this conversation short. But he didn’t. He stayed for a lot longer and we had a genuine conversation, him and I. I asked him what kind of meditation he did.

“As is I was telling you I still have a ton of work, but I feel like now I’m going to have more time organize the load. I’ve been all over the place, and now that the stress factor of not knowing if we’ll make the payroll next month is gone, I can focus on restructuring my schedule. There’s no panic mode anymore. These past years, I’ve only prioritised 2 things: family, and work. That’s all my life has been revolving around. Everything else sort of disappeared.

On our last scatterplot, we see some plot points with no clear slope. This correlation has an r value of -0.126163. There is no significant correlation between age and eye color. This should also make sense as eye color shouldn’t change as a child gets older. If this relationship showed a strong correlation we would want to examine the data to find out why.

Using the Pandas correlation method we can see correlations for all numerical columns in the DataFrame. Since this is a method, all we have to do is call it on the DataFrame. The return value will be a new DataFrame showing each correlation.

Friends, acquaintances, hobbies… All this has been flushed down the drain for the past… at least 5 years. So I do intend on reconnecting with friends, because I believe one thing: true friends will always stay, even if you get back to them after years of being off the radar. And for all the other ones that can’t care enough, well, screw them. I can’t care enough either.”

“It’s the most life-changing thing I’ve ever done. I realised things about myself, my family, my parents. It was a huge eye-opener, and nothing has been the same ever since. But these days when I meditate, I just sit in silence and focus on my breathing.”

Hulu Prime Video Disney Runtime ID -0.219737 0.554120 0.287011 -0.206003 Year 0.098009 -0.253377 -0.046819 0.081984 IMDb 0.042191 -0.163447 0.075895 0.088987 Rotten Tomatoes 0.020373 -0.049916 -0.011805 0.003791 Netflix -0.107911 -0.757215 -0.088927 0.099526 Hulu 1.000000 -0.255641 -0.034317 0.033985 Prime Video -0.255641 1.000000 -0.298900 -0.067378 Disney -0.034317 -0.298900 1.000000 -0.019976 Runtime 0.033985 -0.067378 -0.019976 1.000000

My CEO’s public Google Calendar has always been super transparent. Everything that could be made public, he made public. His weekend events were always about family, birthdays, kids soccer practices. I knew what he told me at lunch that day was authentic, because it was reflected in his calendar for the past 5 years.

The data we’ll look at comes from a Kaggle dataset about movies on streaming platforms. This dataset contains data on which movies are what streaming platforms. It also includes a few various qualifiers about each movie such as name, runtime, IMDB score, etc.

Catagory :general