So, I am no longer alone in my prediction that an internet currency with a fixed supply, that protects users from inflat

Author : zhicham.nani.1232
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 11:22:49

The premise was simple: an internet currency, with no founder, that was fully transparent, that was publicly verifiable, with no banks in the middle to create trust, that was secured by cryptography.

Then I became overconfident and started buying all the small coins nobody had ever heard of. Most of those coins today are worth 80–90% less than what I paid for them. I see those investments as forced learning.

As I went down the Bitcoin rabbit hole I discovered why bitcoin was created. It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto. I became fascinated with him, until I eventually worked out that Satoshi was almost certainly a team of developers, not one single person.

Then… it all came crashing down. The price of all cryptocurrencies collapsed. I’m not going to lie: it felt terrible. I sold a little bit of my portfolio so I only kept the profits invested. That way, I didn’t care what happened going forward.

head of our dataframe shows some pretty impressive results. The second tweet is assigned a positive sentiment, but with a low level of confidence (0.51) — as a human, I’m also not sure whether this is a positive or negative tweet either.

I had to understand money printing. That is, where governments create money out of thin air to give out stimulus checks, finance infrastructure projects, and save the public from a pandemic.

It was 10% cheaper to pay for my sandwich with Bitcoin than it was with dollars. The problem was buying Bitcoin was a pain in the butt. You needed to have a digital wallet and it was easy to lose your coins. My mentor bought some coins and paid for my lunch. I paid him back in dollars.

Only weeks after, the finance industry banned all cryptocurrency. You couldn’t buy, sell or be a business that accepted digital currency. My mentor and I were devastated. Still, I held onto a few coins.

I said to him “how do you know how much our sandwich costs?” He then attempted to explain to me how Bitcoin derived its value. It seemed as though, one minute the sandwich costs half a Bitcoin, and the next minute it costs a full Bitcoin. I was confused.

Winter set in. People stopped talking about Bitcoin. People said it was dead. People said governments would ban it. Still, an underground community kept the flame of Bitcoin and Ethereum going. I decided to do a crazy amount of research into the field.

The Bitcoin creators became fed up with the existing financial system after the 2008 Financial Crisis, where the big American Banks were bailed out by the government for their reckless gambling on subprime mortgages. This event infuriated the Bitcoin creators enough to create the first ever digital currency.

At the height of the cryptocurrency bubble in 2017 I made a decent amount of money quickly. Everybody was buying it. The IT guy at work who fixed my laptop for minimum wage was going all in. He was mortgaging his house to buy coins.

And I worked for that currency, so therefore, it affected me. I realized Bitcoin was one way to protect the value I had created through hard work. Bitcoin was a store of value.

The only way to change the rules set out in the code is through a democratic vote where the network has to agree to change it. The chance of consensus on changing the code was almost impossible given how many voters there were. There have been several attempts to change the code that have all failed.

PayPal enabled Bitcoin and Ethereum for their 300M users, making it possible for businesses to accept payment in both the currencies, and therefore opening up an entirely new market.

Catagory :general