So we believe in our Javascript code or in the Chrome FPS Meter? We can believe both. And more than believe them, believ

Author : 2sofia
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 08:45:35

This system has very important advantages. We stop stressing the browser, OS and machine each loop, giving them time to cool down. The system will not need to fire the heat defense protocol. We have a stable, predictable performance. The change in code is minimal. The game will be jank-free. 30 FPS is not bad for a sprite game.

If your Operating System is Linux, type sensors and [ENTER] at your terminal. This shows the temperature of the processors in your machine. This is an excellent reliable method to check if your application is demanding too much from them.

If you are not aware of the heating problem you start looking madly for a memory leak that doesn’t exist. You refactor everything and find nothing wrong. Then you give up making your browser game, because you believe browsers are not reliable for games.

This defensive protocol causes the following weird effect. Your game is running with acceptable performance. Suddenly it starts to perform horribly. Let me be clear, I mean HORRIBLY. One minute later the game returns to acceptable performance. And later it repeats this cycle.

Sure, the singer released a statement back in 2017 assuring that he would not perform at Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. But The Root once curiously called R. Kelly “the Black Donald Trump,” so there’s that. Then again, we’re pretty sure Trump doesn’t read The Root, so this one is a toss-up.

First we need to adjust the game mechanics (logic) to run at 30 FPS. For example, the avatar speed is no longer 1 pixel per loop. It must be 2 pixels per loop, matching the original 60 pixels per second speed.

My guess: with our tests written in JavaScript we test the performance INSIDE the V8 runtime. But there is more job outside the V8 runtime, like interact with the video graphics card. This can only be measured with the Chrome PFS Meter. It seems the video card is unable to process everything it receives.

This article is my attempt to share what I learned making a 2.5D game, using the canvas 2D context and plain JavaScript. I would say that 60 FPS is not a reachable goal. Even when the JavaScript engine isn’t stressed.

So why dropping exactly 50%? Another guess: Chrome realizes it can’t keep running at 60 FPS. So instead of trying it, failing almost all the time, Chrome decides to go directly to 30 FPS, providing a smoother experience.

If you are thinking on rewriting a game like this in C, C or Rust and later convert to WebAssembly to speed up ONLY the game logic, I would tell that is not necessary. JavaScript handles very well the game logic.

This article is my attempt to share what I learned making a 2.5D game, using the canvas 2D context and plain JavaScript. I would say that 60 FPS is not a reachable goal. Even when the JavaScript engine isn’t stressed.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: a onetime TV star with a pattern of predatory actions who would otherwise spend the rest of his days in prison. Not exactly a different world to imagine that Trump could see himself in the disgraced funnyman.

I made VERY superficial attempts with PixiJS, WebGL and ThreeJS. I got no better results painting sprites; maybe I did not test them in the right way. I am NOT saying they can’t work fine. I gave up because I preferred to spend my time finding a way to make the game work with pure JavaScript and 2D canvas, instead.

When your application stresses the system, the temperature rises. But the processors will not meltdown because the operating system starts a defensive protocol delaying (maybe skipping I can’t tell) the execution of processes.

tire effect comes from a combination of shadow, transparency and background blur. This style can only use one transparent layer, or multiple, but it’s most prominent and visible when at least two levels of translucency appear on a rather busy, colorful background.

Catagory :general