Solid Reasons To Use Hand Wash Liquid For Better Health

Author : priyanegi
Publish Date : 2020-12-21 07:19:38

This past year has made thorough hand washing extremely necessary since the spread of germs has increased tremendously. Adding additional cleansing products to water has become important in order to do this properly.

Liquid hand wash is a very popular choice among a lot of individuals. Although liquid-soap are effective in getting rid of dirt and germs, they have been said to cause damage to the skin. Here's why you should consider switching to hand wash liquid from a bar.

1. Involuntary Transfer Of Germs


When many people use the same bar of soap, there's bound to be some kind of germs left on that bar that can transfer to you. This is eliminated when you switch to a liquid hand wash. Stored in a bottle, the liquid hand wash can't be touched by anyone, thereby the spreading of germs is stopped.


2. Ease Of Use


Liquid hand wash bottles can be of varying sizes allowing for easy carriage. If you use shower liquid soap, use only the necessary amount to wash your body, minimizing waste. A huge advantage of using liquid soap as all the debris and excess dirt remove from your skin will wash down the drain as soon as you wash off the soap. Debris and dirt tend to stick to bar soaps and need to be washed off prior to use. The cap is twisted securely which can prevent any spillage or leakage in your bags. This is not possible if you have a used bar of soap that you want to carry.


3. Longevity


Unlike bar soaps, the liquid hand wash never gets mushy. Bar soaps are often left in moisture and small amounts of bacteria growth can occur. Liquid soap is usually pumped straight from the container, which protects the cleanser from sitting in water or being used by multiple people. It can be used for a long time as just one pump is enough to clean the hands. This prevents any wastage and saves unnecessary expenses for extra soap.


4. Rich Lather


Liquid hand wash tends to create a rich lather. Such soaps are also enriched with aloe vera or other moisturisers that help keep the pH levels of your skin in balance. This has made liquid soap and multisurface floor cleaner quite famous among women and children.




Some liquid soaps have a lower pH level and are, thus, gentler and suitable for people with sensitive skin. It is also able to retain 30% of the skin's natural moisture and thus liquid soap is good for dry skin too. Many people wonder if using organic liquid care products are worth spending money on. Organic liquid hand washes use 100% organic oils which are certified by internationally recognised organisations. This ensures the integrity of the products in relation to the environmental impact of their farming and the long-term sustainability of the crops.


The Covid-19 pandemic has made handwashing a mandate to curb the spread of the virus through touch. Liquid handwashes coming in a bottle are more sanitary than bar soaps and make lesser messes in public areas. This ensures that the no-touch rule of handwashing is followed while keeping you and your loved ones safe.

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