Sometimes I regret that I didn’t say, “What the fuck you mean she don’t look Black?” to my daughter’s adult cousin. In a

Author : 1abdo.abdo7
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 15:14:13

Not having common object-oriented principles such as inheritance, classes, and ordinary interfaces in order to address OOP criticism, which was becoming more and more frequent since the rise of functional-oriented languages, though Go is partly one, too, being a multi-paradigm language. Also, that helps in achieving orthogonality.

“The goals of the Go project were to eliminate the slowness and clumsiness of software development at Google, and thereby to make the process more productive and scalable. The language was designed by and for people who write and read and debug and maintain large software systems.” — Rob Pike, creator of Golang

That’s being said, Go was designed while having a set of particular problems to solve and initially possessing a solid base of the best features from such noble programming languages as C, Pascal, Modula, and Oberon. It also kept in mind useful characteristics of languages — Python, C , Java, and so on — criticism of which Go was meant to address.

We should not try to pretend that all “mixed” people experience the world the same way. A “mixed” kid who presents as White (or mostly White) is going to experience the world differently than a mixed kid that doesn’t present as White (or mostly White).

I know for a fact that I was (and am) treated better because my skin isn’t as dark brown. But I’ve still been called a nigger (hard r) more than once. I’ve still been followed around stores. I’ve still been pulled over by the police for driving while Black “in a car too nice for you.’

My light skin didn’t protect me from racism, bigotry, or the police. My light skin did not protect me from harsher treatment in elementary school. Being mixed didn’t protect me in middle school. It absolutely didn’t protect me in high school and college.

Having vendoring (replaced by Go Modules since 1.11), a robust dependency-management system, and its assembler being extremely close to binary code in order to achieve blazing fast builds and afterward be very lightweight and binaries size-efficient. That makes it a perfect match for the microservice architecture pattern and for cloud-native development in general.

As seen, Go’s developers have managed to come up with a greatly efficient system of language-based constraints to achieve some of its greatest characteristics and features. This practice is very impressive in such a way that by using every single constraint, it manages to simultaneously achieve not one but multiple major features at once.

However, it was never about copying what was already great. Rather it was about coming up with a completely new way of dealing with problems, since sometimes in order to solve a problem, it’s required to give up what has proven to be ineffective. And as a result, every major feature of Go has originated mostly from major constraints, such as:

The police brutalize multiracial, light skin, “mixed,” Black men and women (cis or trans), and gender non-conforming folk just like the chocolate skin or dark tone ones. Mixed Black folk are singled out for disparate and cruel treatment too. Calling someone mixed does not protect them from racism. That said, we will talk about colorism in a future post.

There is nothing wrong with being multiracial, but the use of the word “mixed” obliterates identity without any gain. If I allow you to call my kids mixed I’ve allowed you to erase their mother and me from their life. I’ve allowed you to further question their right to be in this world. I’ve made it that much harder for them to resist the racism they will face.

Not having a try-catch exception handling. Despite being very controversial and criticized, this is in fact Golang’s really idiomatic way of dealing with errors, which is actually beneficial in many ways: avoiding repetitive error-handling code, keeping control flow efficient and execution fast, keeping code clean and readable, and simplifying code writing and debugging.

Lacking common features and syntax sugar in order to be minimal, precise, and straightforward, since having only one way of solving a particular problem so as to leave only one style of using it, which as a result noticeably speeds up the development, debug, review, and testing processes and makes maintenance much easier

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Having a garbage collector, though very effective one, in order to deal with memory unsafety while keeping a reasonably high speed of execution and proven resource efficiency

Catagory :general