The 2021 update reveals an increase in the number of family caregivers in the United States of

Author : torunlota
Publish Date : 2021-01-08 13:49:36

Fifty-three million adults in the US have been caregivers for an adult or a child during the past year. The statistics indicate that forty-one million caregivers receive no pay for their services, but that does not negate the value of what they provide. The greater majority of caregivers are family members.
The 2020 update reveals an increase in the number of family caregivers in the United States of 9.5 million from 2015 to 2020. Family caregivers now encompass more than one in five Americans.
But one of the over-riding facts uncovered in studies is the reluctance of the caregivers to allow themselves self-care. It is as though they don’t feel they can take time out of their heavy responsibilities for respite care of their own, and it would be wrong to do so.
Although the impact of caregiving was life-changing and consuming, many felt unheard if they expressed exhaustion and, perhaps, under-appreciation. In addition to this, an increasing number of caregivers are older with medical conditions of their own, yet they must continue to attend to the one for whom they care.
Approximately 78% of adults 55 years of age and older have one or more chronic illnesses. “…the percent of adults with one or more, two or more, or three or more of six possible chronic conditions” are in this caregiving-group. Therefore, adults who are themselves dealing with multiple health issues now find they must care for others’ illnesses.
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Copyright: piksel
When Is It the Caregiver’s Time?
…older adult caregivers require support to find a balance between effectively fulfilling the caregiving role and promoting their own health. With the growing number of older adults serving in the caregiver role, exploration of how to best address the unique vulnerabilities of this population is required. The caregiving role coupled with the presence of chronic illness and aging creates unique health challenges for the caregiver.
The situation calls for a realization that caregivers are not immune to a need for self-care, but they must also be informed that it is reasonable and necessary. If you can’t care for yourself, you can’t help others.
I knew a woman whose mother suffered from increasing dementia and who was living with her. Other family members refused to help. The situation became direr by the day until the woman approached me one day at work and said she was afraid she would hurt her mother. Her mother, the night before, was discovered putting a jar of urine in the refrigerator. Now this woman was struggling with her anger and frustration.
Fortunately, a brother did realize the seriousness of the situation, and the mother was placed in a nursing home. The woman was freed from the caregiving but experienced a great degree of guilt that she couldn’t keep her mother in her home and a fear that she almost hurt her mother. The two considerations were nerve-wracking, and she needed counseling, which she was able to find.
Caregivers suffer from elevated levels of depression and anxiety, a decrease in their physical health (according to self-report), compromised immune functioning, and increased risk of early death. According to the CDC, “Over half (53%) of caregivers indicate that a decline in their health compromises their ability to provide care.” Isn’t it time for them?
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Photo by Tim Mossholder
A Way Forward for Caregivers
How can caregivers care for themselves? A review of caregivers' studies found that, although we believe physical activity is important in self-care, this was one of the lowest activities. The neglect of physical activity was justified by the need to attend to the person receiving the care. Female caregivers indicated the greatest reduction in their physical activity while caregivers.
Caregiver well-being, preparedness, and decision-making self-efficacy might be optimized through interventions targeted at enhancing health responsibility, stress management, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual growth self-care practices.
Caregivers must take several vital steps before the burden exhibits itself in full force. As we watch our diets and try to get sufficient exercise, we must also be aware of mental health maintenance struggles.
The media has underscored the seriousness of burnout, but caregiver burnout is often under the radar. With that thought in mind, the AARP has provided many steps to combat this debilitating condition.
The American Medical Association has also provided a “Caregiver Self-Assessment Questionnaire” to aid in determining the current state of any caregiver’s condition.
Where can caregivers find local resources to help? Here’s a locator.
A national respite locator can be found here.
The Well Spouse Association also have a network dedicated to helping caregivers find resources.
The one thing that caregivers need to know is that it’s okay to reach out for help, and they are not alone in their need for respite. There should be no shame in a caregiver indicating they are drowning under the sea of need engulfing them. Everyone needs to help in this effort.

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