The Importance of Monitoring and Checking Early Pregnancy

Author : julianwhitney719
Publish Date : 2021-03-25 08:46:52

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is an intensive care unit for newborns who require special care such as premature babies, low birth weight babies, babies with congenital disorders, and babies with respiratory problems.

Chairman of the NICU and Coordinator of the Lactation Clinic of Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk Dr. dr. Naomi Esthernita F. Dewanto, Sp.A (K) said, various cases that have been handled by the NICU Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk include babies with respiratory problems, heart problems, and other congenital abnormalities such as being born without anus.
In addition, the team involved in NICU care has also handled complex cases, namely the condition of premature babies who are LBW (Very Low Birth Weight) accompanied by disorders, namely hyaline membrane disease, congenital heart defects, severe infections, twisted intestines, chronic lung disease, and hernias. . This kind of condition certainly needs to be given intensive, comprehensive, and solid handling at the NICU to get optimal results.

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"Handling cases in a complex NICU requires cooperation not only from the medical team, but also from parents who play an important role in the treatment process. One of them supports exclusive breastfeeding, "said dr. Naomi in an online webinar with Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk, recently.

He said, the NICU Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk team also specifically invited parents, especially those with risky pregnancies such as pregnancies with congenital defects in the fetus, stunted fetal growth, mothers with hypertension, and the like, not to give up and fight together.

Meanwhile, parents are also advised to routinely check their pregnancies (antenatal care) at integrated health facilities.
Midwifery and Gynecology Specialist Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk dr. Stephen V. Mandang, Sp.OG added that routine check-ups during pregnancy or antenatal care for pregnant women are important to monitor the health of the mother and the fetus.

"In addition, if a mother with a high-risk pregnancy is found, she can choose the NICU service for special care for the prospective baby," explained dr. Stephen.

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According to him, in addition to monitoring pregnancy and childbirth, parents are also encouraged to pay attention to the baby's growth and development. Especially babies with high risk such as premature birth, post-NICU care, Down syndrome conditions, and the like. This periodic and comprehensive monitoring is useful for early detection of obstacles in development such as motor delays, speech delays, etc. so that they can be resolved quickly and precisely.

excessive use of sugar can be dangerous
"Handling glaucoma without regular checks is basically dangerous. We are concerned about patients who have not been able to continue the examination, especially those whose glaucoma condition is classified as progressive. Prior to the pandemic, even patients who visited regularly were also seen with increased eye pressure or optic nerve damage. Since glaucoma can be asymptomatic, it is very likely that sufferers may not notice a decrease in their visual function. That is, delaying periodic checkups for a long period of time can worsen their glaucoma. Remember, eye nerve damage due to glaucoma cannot be cured, and blindness due to this disease is permanent, "said Prof. DR. dr. Widya Artini Wiyogo, Sp.M (K), Permanent Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Glaucoma Subspecialist Doctor, and Head of Glaucoma Service at JEC Eye Hospitals & Clinics in a virtual press conference, some time ago.
Currently, glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness worldwide and the second highest after cataracts. Chronic in nature, glaucoma has a huge impact on the quality of life of people with it. Starting from feeling anxious to depression because of the risk of blindness, sufferers' daily activities also experience limitations because their visual field is disturbed. Social life is also constrained due to the gradual loss of vision, and must depend on other people so that the sufferer's productivity decreases.
"Unfortunately, the situation of glaucoma in Indonesia is still concerning because sufferers often seek treatment only when they are at an advanced stage. Therefore, management of glaucoma as early as possible through continuous examination and constant supervision of a specialist is very important. No exception, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to control the progression of this disease and slow the damage to the nerves in the eye so that blindness can be prevented, ”explained Dr. Iwan Soebijantoro, SpM (K), JEC Glaucoma Subspecialty Doctor.
The latest data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health which is listed in the report "The Glaucoma Situation in Indonesia" (2019) [1] predicts the number of glaucoma sufferers globally in 2020 will reach 76 million - or an increase of around 25.6% from the figure a decade ago which was still 60.5. million people. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the data that was officially released was the prevalence of glaucoma at 0.46% (every 4 to 5 people per 1,000 population).
Doctor Iwan still recommends keeping eye conditions under control. "The reduction in the quantity and frequency of patient visits throughout 2020 is understandable. This is because personal and family safety from exposure to the COVID-19 outbreak is of course a priority for the entire community. Currently, JEC with strict and strict implementation of health protocols, we hope that the public will continue to have the freedom to receive safe eye health care. No exception for people with glaucoma who need continuous examination and constant supervision of expert doctors, "added Dr. Iwan Soebijantoro, SpM (K), a JEC Glaucoma Subspecialist Doctor who said JEC also presented JEC @ Cloud to make it easier for patients to consult eye health online and get first aid during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this service, the patient's glaucoma condition can be continuously monitored.

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