The most popular repository on this list with over 65K stars on GitHub is the 30 seconds of code repository. This reposi

Author : ahamzaayechitnc
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 08:36:10

Some exciting moves are being made that will likely change the future Python ecosystem towards more explicit, readable code — while maintaining the ease-of-use that we all know and love.

The snippets vary from calculating Celsius to Fahrenheit to counting the weekdays between two dates. All of these snippets contain solutions to problems that you’ll run into when coding in JavaScript.

This repository has got cheatsheets for basically everything — from frontend to backend and databases to tools. If you’re looking for a cheatsheet you should definitely take a look at this repository.

Every developer has used them at least once before: cheatsheets. Cheatsheets can be very useful. Especially, when you’re in the process of learning something new like a programming language or framework. Luckily, you don’t have to create your own cheatsheets because the awesome cheatsheets repository has got you covered.

The awesome design patterns repository contains a curated list of software and architectural design patterns. It’s a great resource if you’re learning about design patterns or if you want to refresh your knowledge.

This repository was created with the intention of helping developers master all of the JavaScript concepts. It contains both videos and articles that help you get a better understanding of these concepts. The repository is translated into twenty different languages.

You should definitely take a look at this repository because it’s got some great solutions to recurring programming problems. You can find the 30 seconds of code repository here.

This repository not only covers general architecture but also contains examples of what these design patterns look like in code. These examples are included for more than ten programming languages and frameworks. Very handy to take a look at these examples when you have to implement one of the design patterns yourself.

Type hints that refer to types that have not been defined yet (forward references) do not work — and must be expressed as strings. We would need to write 'int' rather than int (although this is only the case for custom, not built-in/pre-defined types).

ut it, they’re kind of right, AOP gives you a lot of power to add unrelated behavior into existing methods or even replace their entire logic. Of course, that might not be exactly why this pattern was introduced, and it’s certainly not the intention of the example I provided above.

The CSS protips repository contains a bunch of tips that help you to improve your CSS skills. We all know how hard it can be from time to time to style a web page. The tips on this list help to solve problems that you probably have run into before.

The 33 JS Concept contains exactly 33 concepts that every JavaScript developer should know. This repository covers everything you need to create a solid JavaScript foundation. Useful for both inexperienced and experienced developers.

Thanks to the new annual release schedule [PEP 602], we now see shorter development windows — meaning many of the features we can expect in October 2021 are already here in some form or another — we will cover everything new so far:

This repository not only covers general architecture but also contains examples of what these design patterns look like in code. These examples are included for more than ten programming languages and frameworks. Very handy to take a look at these examples when you have to implement one of the design patterns yourself.

The tips that are shared in this repository help you get a better foundation when it comes to your styling skills. The CSS tips and tricks that you learn from this repository can be used right away. On top of that, the content is translated into more than ten languages.

Catagory :general