The normal part of my career is an office job. The risky part of my career is a side-business that could fail at any tim

Author : 6ostad.99w
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 07:54:51

Jeff created a process and committed to sticking to it. That process led Jeff to become one of the most well-known writers of our time with his books “The Art of Work” and “Real Artists Don’t Starve.”

“Your network equals your net worth” is cliche advice most people ignore. When a LinkedIn guru makes you want to vomit because they say “let’s network” like a robot, you ignore this advice. I did too. But cliche advice is bloody powerful.

Let me share a live example. I’ve had a dream to launch an education program for years. I’ve tried several times and failed. One time I signed up a total of two students. The rest? Crickets.

You tell yourself a story every day about why you can’t have the things you want, whether you realize it or not. These stories drive your life. Once you identify your stories you can change them.

I got a second big break after Business Insider picked up another story of mine. I thought my life was made again. This story repeated over and over. The big break was never a big break at all — it was a tiny step forward in the direction of my process.

As consumers, we’re trained hoarders. Hoarding is part of the world we live in. You hold onto possessions because they have parts of your life trapped inside of them that you don’t want to let go. The junk inside your home creates unnecessary stress.

A good friend of mine set up a community for content creators. He invited me to it a long time back. I was ignorant and said “no, mate.” Then over a year later I started to feel lonely as a creative person. I reached back out to him to see if I could join his group. Surprisingly, he said yes.

Big breaks are total B.S. It ain’t going to happen, pal/palette. I too have wanted to become a writer for the last six years. I bust my chops every day to move the needle on my writing career.

Letting your stuff go is how you let go of what no longer serves you. The best way is to give your stuff away to someone who needs it so the purchase still has value, just for someone new.

If you’re waiting for a book deal, or a magical job promotion, or to be discovered, then it ain’t going to happen. Sorry. Only hard work and daily practice can turn your work into what looks like a big break.

, “We couldn’t determine if the bot meets our Minimum Security Standards,” and “the only privacy policy we found applied to the website, not the device, so we don’t know what data its collecting on you or how it plans to use that information.” Mozilla also says that “it appears [the Dogness] doesn’t encrypt your data,” which the foundation called “very bad.”

That group changed everything. I didn’t feel lonely anymore. There were other creative people who suffered from the same flawed character I did. One of those community members was a guy named Todd. I loved Todd’s work but never really spoke to him.

When I got a big break with a viral article that CNBC picked up, I thought my future was set in stone. Seven days later that viral article was buried in the garbage dump of internet blog posts. Nobody cared anymore. I thought my writing career was over. I felt like crap. I was a toddler screaming for attention.

You don’t need most of them. They are full of business models designed to help you part with your money for a need you think you have. What worked for me was deleting all my phone apps and then seeing which ones I had to install again. Most of them never got installed again because I didn’t really need them after all.

After complaining about my terrible failures as a wannabe teacher, my friend said to me “you know Todd is perfect for you.” So, I sent Todd a message. We connected. He was a match. We built a business together. The guy is a freaking WhizKid. Everything I can’t do, he can do. Now we’re well on the road to creating a decent sized business together.

Catagory :general