The point is, being better than everyone else isn’t what matters. What matters more is elevating those around you. There

Author : uslimani.cidoz
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 13:10:26

Gary’s parting words of advice to me were: “you need to speak up more often”. Looking back to all those hours in the war room, Gary and Mitch being the dominant talkers with superior intellect — they barely gave me a chance to speak sometimes — but when I did say something, it was meaningful, and often was an important point.

It’s 2020, and with the high quality of today’s video conferencing, you can do this work from everywhere. Because it’s already a digital setting, there’s no excuse not to record it. After hundreds of times asking “Do you mind if I record this?” I’ve yet to hear any answer except for yes.

At every phase of the discovery process you should be using what you learn to drive decisions. For inexperienced product teams, these decisions are often based on one perspective or option with little data to back it up. The members of the team also often evaluate this information separately to draw their own conclusions-and those conclusions don’t align, resulting in a poorly designed product.

I had to more quickly grow to help fill in the gaps those two had left, and while I did become the model of a very high performer, I eventually parted ways with the company as well. I was there for its golden years, and while I still feel gratitude towards the company for kickstarting my professional career, we simply grew apart.

Many of us had our moments of completing 4 times the story points in half the amount of time, with more unit test coverage and higher code quality while also producing fewer bugs, equivalent to 10 times compared to more Junior peers. Or even against a peer with equal experience, who has to deal with severe technical debt or who has less domain knowledge.

Several years later, I still carry forward the values I’ve learned on Gary’s team onto roles at other companies, and have since been more outspoken. My performance at other companies has been directly proportional to my ability to apply these values in another work environment.

How would we fare with all things being equal? Comparing against a similar amount of both technical and domain experience, using the same tools, in the same codebase, dealing with the same technical debt, adopting the same philosophies, processes, and design patterns, against properly estimated tasks, there will still be gaps where one Developer is more productive than another — but probably not by a factor of ten.

odes may feel like you are cheating. It’s okay to look at others’ codes on Kaggle. You won’t understand all the code at first and that’s completely okay and normal too. If you are indeed comfortable with all the code in a notebook, you are not really learning anything new from that notebook. Push your comfort zone. The only way to learn is to keep exploring this uncharted territory.

For the sake of your team — the audience of your research — prioritize making your data easily shareable. For your team to ultimately present a case for or against a decision, they need to be able to access the same information as the person who conducted the interview in the first place.

Some could debate whether this guy was really a 10x programmer. Maybe that is 10x compared to developers who are using anti-patterns which are proven to be counterproductive.

The best product teams never stop this work of generative and evaluative testing for new features. Even as their initial research and testing turns into a real product, they know the importance of creating a customer discovery and product delivery engine that never stops learning and growing.

In the early days of building your product, a standing weekly or biweekly check-in is common for these feedback sessions. These can shift to monthly or even quarterly as time goes on and the product gets closer to reaching market fit.

Save the audio and video, mine them for insights, and look for patterns that can be shared with your team. The easier the notes are to relate back to the relevant part of the recording, the easier it is to get multiple unbiased perspectives and recognize true behavioral patterns together.

Great product teams develop long-standing relationships of trust with their most active users. You’ll often see the people on these teams setting up recurring feedback sessions to gain insight and listen to users’ concerns and ideas. The point of these interviews is to find out what’s delightful and what’s frustrating, what’s there and working well, and what’s still missing.

It’s much more common for product teams to continually learn and discover from their existing users than it is for them to gather insights from completely unbiased non-users. But a balance between the two groups — existing and new — is ideal. New users can give you a better understanding of your initial product experience, and existing “power users” can offer you insights that come from living with a product for weeks or months.

Catagory :general