The purpose of this article was to put in one place most of the data wrangling and visualization techniques you’d need a

Author : kdashingchohan1
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 13:43:40

With that, Scott far outpaced her ex-husband in the giving realm, and rewrote the typical playbook for high-profile tech philanthropists — who often operate as if they know best not just in business, but in solving societal problems, too. “Their engineering or technocratic orientation to their business, their wealth creation, transfers over to their philanthropic practices,” says Rob Reich, a Stanford political science professor, referring to tech superstars like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. “To put it really crudely, technocratic philanthropy is philanthropy that is done to people rather than with people.”

While Jeff Bezos was building Amazon from a garage into one of the most powerful companies on earth and becoming the richest businessmen of this age, the world knew very little about his wife, MacKenzie, a novelist and a mother of four who helped start Amazon from that garage. Even after their divorce last year, accompanied by a public affair and scandal, thrust MacKenzie Scott (the name she took after the split) into the spotlight, she remained a private and elusive figure. Now, Scott, one of the richest women in the world, a billionaire tens times over, announced in July that she was giving away $1.7 billion to a wide swath of nonprofits, from historically Black colleges to a crisis text line. The gift was stunning in scale and in approach: Scott was making a mark as a new kind of philanthropist.

The family moved from California to Florida, and although Scott’s father applied to start another investment firm, an administrative judge denied the application. In 1990, that judge barred Tuttle, who’d worked in the securities industry for almost 25 years, from advising on investments again. “His lavish spending was the reason the firm was unable to refund much of the funds it owed to clients,” the judge wrote. It’s unclear what Scott’s father went on to do, work-wise; by 1990, Scott’s mother was managing a small clothing store in Palm Beach. (The Tuttles, these days, are regularly photographed on the Palm Beach fundraising circuit, and Scott dedicated her second book to them. They did not respond to detailed requests for comment.)

Bill Gates Enters His Third Act: Ruthless Nerd Savior After going from relentless competitor to sweater-wearing do-gooder, he’s becoming the merciless samaritan we

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Other than her writing, she’s offered few details about her early life. A rare 2013 Vogue interview described Scott’s mother as someone “who cheerfully stayed home to cook meals and decorate the house” and her father as a “financial planner.”

The reality was much more nuanced. Scott grew up wealthy, with one house in a tony Marin County, California town and a sprawling mansion in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights, according to government and property records. Her father, Jason Baker Tuttle, ran a San Francisco investment firm, while her mother, Holiday, was active in the philanthropy scene — a report in the 1970s from the prestigious Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco mentions her mom chaired a fundraising group that organized a nine-course dinner to raise money for the museum.

But in 1987, as she finished up her junior year, her family’s financial security crumbled. A year earlier, the Securities and Exchange Commission had begun investigating her father and his investment firm after a complaint. In March of 1987, her parents filed for bankruptcy, and so did her father’s investment firm, according to an administrative law judge’s description of the problems in SEC documents; that firm, and its short-lived successor, both closed, the judge wrote.

With a gift of that size, Scott could’ve built a cancer center, had a museum wing named after her, made a college rededicate itself in her name. Or, like virtually every other person who’s made significant amounts of money from tech, she could’ve created an organization to dole out grants based on her notions about how best to fix social issues. She chose another route.

The purpose of this article was to put in one place most of the data wrangling and visualization techniques you’d need as a beginner or intermediate time series analyst. First, we saw how to convert an ordinary dataframe into a powerful datetime object and put that into use for filtering and visualizing. In the second part, we’ve created 8 different plots using different techniques to visualize time series. The next step would be to go ahead and pick a different dataset, reproduce the results and play with different plotting parameters.

Although Scott could not be reached for an interview (requests were made through multiple representatives, including her book agent, her divorce lawyer, and her former employees), interviews with friends, schoolmates, instructors, associates, and former co-workers of Scott’s, along with previously unreported public documents, reveal her complicated relationship with money, tracing back to the financial upheaval her family experienced while she was a teenager. The quiet, literary, 50-year-old billionaire, who overnight became one of the most influential philanthropists in the world, and who set a new bar for giving, has learned from experience what money can accomplish — and what it can’t.

In high school, Scott went to Hotchkiss, an elite Connecticut boarding school with a nine-hole golf course and lake on campus. Though there was a haute-preppy set at Hotchkiss, Scott wasn’t in it, remembers Elizabeth Meyer, who was a year behind Scott there; her friends were more the hardworking, brainy sorts. At the school, Scott has said, she became even more enthralled with fiction. She even asked to swap out sports requirements for writing projects. Her hope was to go to Princeton and study writing with Toni Morrison.

At age six, Scott got permission from her teacher to take home a stack of cheap pulp paper from school, and wrote 142 pages titled The Bookworm. A couple years later, she read Watership Down and noticed it was filled with the names of plants. “I hopped on my Schwinn and rode to the library to hunt down a botanical encyclopedia, and for the next year, all my stories were stuffed with extraneous mentions of trees and flowers,” Scott wrote in an addendum to her first novel.

At the same time, Scott has drawn some criticism for the opaque nature of her giving and for the source of her great wealth: Amazon, which has grown during the pandemic to a nearly $1.6 trillion market cap in early October, and has become notorious for paying relatively little in corporate taxes.

Scott gave 116 grants, all at once, with very few strings attached, to mostly small organizations. They didn’t have to hit metrics she named; they didn’t have to create programs she favored. She even refused thank you notes when nonprofits asked how they could show their gratitude. And she specifically chose organizations led by people with “lived experience,” as Scott put it: women leading women’s groups, people of color leading racial equity groups.

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