The time has come to recognize the world as a person, too. To employ the half of humanity that doesn’t have enough in be

Author : 9arruad
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 09:51:56

Emanuel was so heavily criticized for his role in delaying the release that he abandoned plans to run for mayor a third term — but not from taking high-profile media gigs. It’s bad enough that he’s gotten work at places like ABC News and The Atlantic after making such a choice. Does he really need to be rewarded even more with another opportunity to serve under another Democratic administration?

The answer is that we walking apes have fallen prey to a dangerous delusion. We imagine that we’re supreme. You might not be a racist, but I bet you believe in human supremacy. The idea that you’re better than, above, an “animal.” Are you? Who said so? Just because our species destroys everything it touches? How is that “better”? In what sense, really, are you any more of a person than a dolphin, a dog, a tree, or a little fox? They all feel just the same things you feel. They all communicate and emote and know and love and bond and touch and want and live and die. Just as you will, one day.

Let me connect those final two ideas. The more people — recognized persons — that there are in our society, the more opportunities for happiness there are for all. Think about the LGBT. Before, they weren’t people. Poof — opportunities for happiness lost. Today, they can marry, date, romance, share — that’s personhood creating happiness.

According to new reporting from Axios, not only is Emanuel still in contention for secretary of transportation, but Biden is “strongly considering” appointing him to the position. I don’t usually think much about Transportation secretary either, but as the piece points out, the job will likely take on new urgency in our current economic hell: “The DOT could effectively become the new Commerce Department, as infrastructure spending, smart cities construction, and the rollout of drone-delivery programs take on increasing economic weight.”

I understand Rahm Emanuel has government experience, but as far as tackling racial inequality goes, tapping him is no less offensive than many of Donald Trump’s appointments.

Human supremacy is a toxin. It bears no fruit. It isolates us, limits us, restrains us, while justifying the slavery of the 21st century, which is the annihilation of our world. We aren’t supreme. We are just here, like everyone else. And all of us — fish, forests, reefs, rivers — are people.

We are deeply unhappy beings, us walking apes, because our opportunities for happiness are so small. It shows, in us being a civilisation that is still — still — built on violence, on slavery, on abusiveness. Of nature, and also of the half of the world that doesn’t have a decent life, while 1% of it has too much. How do we change all this? Fix it? Redress the balance?

According to CNN: “Biden’s agenda for his first 100 days in office will, according to both those close to him and outside groups in contact with his top aides, center on two key avenues of action: the passage of a broad economic aid package and, where legislation is not necessary, a series of executive actions aimed at advancing his priorities. Containing the Covid-19 pandemic, launching an economic recovery, and tackling racial inequality are his most urgent priorities, transition officials say.”

uch natural heat, agriculture once again suffered enormously due to the lack of sunlight which was vital to the growth of plants. Just imagine not being to discern between night and day as it was always dark whilst starving to death and freezing cold. This darkness lasted 18 months, so most of the year AD 536 was lived in obscurity.

Still, some of us have genuine concerns about the names being floated for the incoming Biden-Harris administration, and I hope Biden — or those in his orbit — take heed of them.

The president-elect has kept his word on his administration being a lot less white, male, and kin to Donald Trump. But given that his ascension to the presidency could not have happened without the support of Black voters, it feels like a slap in the face that he added former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel to the cabinet.

Although Emanuel served as President Obama’s first White House chief of staff, is an alum of the Clinton administration, and is a former congressman, his name rings bells for most these days for his role in burying the truth of the 2014 police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. An unarmed Black teen was shot 16 times and Rahm Emanuel helped suppress footage of the killing — footage that exposed police officers’ lies about the shooting — in order to help secure a second term.

“What is so hard to understand about this?” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald. Covering up a murder is disqualifying for public leadership. This is not about the ‘visibility’ of a post. It is shameful and concerning that he is even being considered.”

Until we recognize that — really recognize it, reshaping our world politically, economically, socially, culturally, my guess is this. We’ll go on being the violent, brutal, walking apes who destroy everything they touch. Maybe, finally, including themselves. Their violence comes from their loneliness, their isolation, their sense of meaninglessness. Not a single God they’ve ever invented, the walking apes, has reduced their capacity for violence one iota. Think about that for a second. Not one. Nothing has. So what can? Just being here, like the rest of everything living. Learning to recognize every single life has dignity, worth, purpose, and truth, too. Then, as our happiness grows, as our sense of meaning and fulfilment expand, maybe our need for violence, to enslave and exploit and terrorize, finally declines, too.

I anticipated a moderate Democrat like Biden would build an administration that is demographically but not ideologically diverse — multicultural, maybe, but generally center-left. Most announcements thus far, including Tanden, who would be the first Indian American to have the title, suggest that will indeed be the case. Same for the all-female White House communications team, or Black men like Louisiana congressman Cedric Robinson joining as a senior adviser.

Catagory :general