There are many container engines available, but the most prominent competitor to Docker is Podman, developed by Red Hat.

Author : uslimani.cidoz
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 13:10:57

Last but not least is Bazel, which is anoooother tool by Google. This one is not just for building container images, but rather a complete build system. If you just want to build an image, then diving into Bazel might be a bit of an overkill, but definitely a good learning experience, so if you’re up for it, then rules_docker section is a good starting point for you.

Last big piece of a puzzle is container runtime which is responsible for, well, running containers. Container runtime is one part of the whole container lifecycle/stack, which you will most likely not going to mess with, unless you have some very specific requirement for speed, security, etc. So, if you’re tired of me already, then you might want skip this one section. If on the other hand, you just want to know what are the options, then here goes:

CRI-O — When you google what is cri-o, you might find it described as container engine. It really is container runtime, though. Apart from the fact that it isn’t actually an engine, it also is not suitable for “normal” use. And by that I mean that it was specifically built to be used as Kubernetes runtime (CRI) and not for an end-user usage.

rix factorization, also known as matrix decomposition, which is really just decomposing or breaking a down a matrix into smaller vectors. For matrix factorization, SVD is the most widely used technique because ALL matrices have an SVD regardless of shape where another common technique like eigendecomposition only works for square matrices and even then doesn’t always exist.

Next up is Google’s Kaniko. Kaniko also builds container images from Dockerfile and similarly to Buildah, it also doesn’t need a daemon. The major difference from Buildah is that Kaniko is more focused on building images in Kubernetes.

LXD — LXD is container manager (daemon) for LXC (Linux Containers). This tool offers ability to run system containers that provide container environment that is more similar to VMs. It sits in very narrow space and doesn’t have many users, so unless you have very specific use case, then you’re probably better off using Docker or Podman.

From the above script you can see that you can build images simply using buildah bud, where bud stands for build using Dockerfile, but you can also use more scripted approach using Buildahs from, run and copy, which are equivalent commands to the commands in Dockerfile ( FROM image, RUN ..., COPY ...).

From my personal experience though — I used both Kaniko and Buildah to build images in Kubernetes/OpenShift clusters and I think both will do the job just fine, but with Kaniko I’ve seen some random build crashes and fails when pushing images to registry.

rkt — rkt (“rocket”) is container engine developed by CoreOS. This project is mentioned here really just for completeness, because the project ended and its development was halted — and therefore it should not be used.

Source-To-Image (S2I) is a toolkit for building images directly from source code without Dockerfile. This tool works well for simple, expected scenarios and workflows but quickly becomes annoying and clumsy if you need little too much customization or if your project doesn’t have the expected layout. You might consider using S2I if you are not very confident with Docker yet or if you build your images on OpenShift cluster, as builds with S2I are a built-in feature.

Jib is another tool by Google, specifically for building Java images. It includes Maven and Gradle plugins, which can make it easy for you to build images without messing with Dockerfiles.

Now, considering that Buildah is already included in Podman CLI, you might be asking why even use the separate buildah CLI? Well, the buildah CLI is superset of commands included in podman build, so you might not need to ever touch the buildah CLI, but by using it you might also discover some extra useful features (For specifics about differences between podman build and buildah see following article).

There are other container engines besides Docker and Podman, but I would consider all of them a dead-end tech or not a suitable option for local development and usage. But to have a complete picture, let’s at least mention what’s out there:

As for its features, it follows same route as Podman — it’s daemonless and rootless and produces OCI compliant images, so it’s guaranteed that your images will run the same way as the ones built with Docker. It’s also able to build images from Dockerfile or (more suitably named) Containerfile which is the same thing with different name. Apart from that, Buildah also provides finer control over image layers, allowing you to commit many changes into single layer. One unexpected but (in my opinion) nice difference from Docker is that images built by Buildah are user specific, so you will be able to list only images you built yourself.

First, let me introduce Buildah. Buildah is another tool developed by Red Hat and it plays very nicely with Podman. If you already installed Podman, you might have even noticed the podman build subcommand, which is really just Buildah in disguise, as its binary is included in Podman.

Catagory :general