They don’t like to be on their own because it will mean they have to face their feelings and deal with the consequences

Author : wnoradin.h
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 00:54:49

Ask others to meet you halfway. Sometimes the best solution to a problem is in the moderate answer. There is no big prize for trying to be always right even when you are not. Question yourself and see if there is a better option than the one you came up with; ask for a second opinion about a specific matter and genuinely care about the response. Let other people’s ideas and goals be ahead of yours every once in a while and help your beloved with their needs too.,Immature people always feel under attack when you point out something they did not or did wrong. They deny it using projection to attribute the unbearable feelings or desires to someone else. Every comment on their actions feels like a terrible offense.,Let us take the example of a database feature. In case you have added a requirement to a pom.xml, which somehow relates to a database, Spring boot implies by itself that you would like to use a database and thus it allows your application to make use of the precise database anytime.,Don’t complain about others’ mistakes but roll up your sleeves and help solve the problem by being kind to those who did wrong. Seek advice from people you respect and trust to guide you.,Sometimes it is hard to open up with others, especially if negative past experiences hold you back. If you can’t face your emotions even with someone close to you, maybe it’s time to seek therapist advice. Find a person you can build a trusted relationship with and let your feelings out at your own pace. We are all human beings with emotions, and they are not always easy to cope with.,Emotionally immature people don’t feel comfortable talking about their feelings. For them, elaborating emotions is an overwhelming process that makes them feel ashamed. As a consequence of being so “private,” they don’t connect with others on a deeper level of intimacy. When someone tries to get closer, they retreat into themselves.,Sometimes, people around us criticize our behavior in ways we might misunderstand, feel too harsh compared to our actions. When this happens, it is necessary to take a step back, analyze the complaint without the personal tone. Maybe that person was right but expressed himself the wrong way. Perhaps it’s nothing personal, but the objection pointed out a real problem that needs attention.,Before starting any defense mechanism, ask yourself if you can do better next time, avoid the wrongful attitude, and make a better decision for everyone’s good (not only yours). According to the article published in Psychology Today, defense mechanisms are “unconscious strategies whereby people protect themselves from anxious thoughts or feelings.”,According to Guy Winch Ph.D. article on Psychology Today, “Some people have such a fragile ego, such brittle self-esteem, such a weak “psychological constitution,” that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their egos to tolerate.”,Look at a situation like an outsider would do. What happened? What went wrong, and how can it be fixed? Admitting to being wrong or have done something incorrectly won’t make you look weak or stupid; on the contrary, taking responsibility for your actions will make you appear aware of your limit and prone to learn how to do better in the future.,The same thing can be said about relationships. If you truly love someone, you should put aside some of your needs. They might seem like life or death matters to you, but sometimes they are just silly things of no value that you can let go to be with your partner for the rest of your life.,They also don’t like to commit to a relationship as they see it as a limitation of their freedom. They will do everything possible to postpone important relationship matters like holidays, parents’ meetings, or moving together.,Emotionally immature people don’t own their mistakes. When they mess up, they don’t take responsibility for their actions and try to make up for them. On the contrary, they blame other people or situations beyond their control. They like to complain about other’s mistakes. You will never hear an immature person saying it was his fault and that he will do something to fix the error or never do it again.,Long-term goals require action plans. The best practice is to write down all the steps necessary to reach the aim, sacrifices included. Is there a way to work around those losses? If not, it’s time to face them and be prepared because, at this point, there is no easy road to succeed in the plan. If you truly want something more significant, you must be ready to find a compromise. Often, the fear of commitment has deep and solid roots that must be identified and confronted to overcome the anxiety to move on to better long-term experiences.,Emotionally immature people struggle not to satisfy an immediate desire. They don’t sacrifice anything temporary for reaching long-term worthwhile goals. They live for the moment and might even have a hard time planning for the future.

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