This guide focused a lot on the tools and approach I’m using, but I hope that even if you don’t plan to follow exactly w

Author : iyazid.ymcmb.5y
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 17:45:34

This is one of the most important tools and an exercise not many people are doing. Think Day is a day where you do nothing else but reflecting on your life. You can do one when you feel like you need more clarity on your life, or you can do one routinely. I do at least one Think Day per month.

My Win Journal is my confidence booster. It makes me realize how much I’m accomplishing and that what I do matters to others. I have it in my habit tracker to always record at least one win per day. On tougher days, that’s even more important.

It may sound simple at first, and you’ll likely think you won’t need a full day to do it, but you’re wrong if that’s what you think. I often find myself not having enough time to reflect on everything in a single day. When I do a Think Day in my physical journal, I often end up writing 30 pages of notes.

As you can see, I drag tasks from the list into a “Done” section. I revise my daily schedule for the next day at the end of my workday. I adjust based on new priorities and things that inevitably come up during the day.

The Table of Life tool is based on the popular Wheel of Life. It’s just a more convenient way to do it on the computer while adding notes to each area. Here’s mine for this month as an example:

As you can see, we are using a Gradient Boosting Tree Classifier with all the features and a numerical cleaning strategy based on the median value. The learning rate of the model is 0.1 and the number of estimators is 125. This is the result of AutoML.

keyframes is active. Go to 0ms time position and change the rectangle width to 0 in Figma. You will notice that it will be set to 1. The minimal value is 0.01, but 1 is enought for now. Go to Motion and in 1s it will notify you that 1 keyframe has been updated.

The maximum number of points is 10. Realistically, in one month, you probably can’t go up by more than two to four points. You can, however, choose to sacrifice one area of your life for another.

I try to tag my wins so I can find them more easily. The number indicates how big of a win it is, using a scale of one to five. One means it’s fine and five means it’s exceptional. Both are quite rare.

It works very similarly to the Win Journal, but with fewer entries, unless you’re a scientist running many experiments. For each entry, you answer the following questions:

For example, “Important but not urgent” is the one that matters most. This is where you do things for the long-term, like working out and eating healthy. It could also be about working on a side-business.

There’s also a lot of value in experimenting every so often to see what works best for you. I tend to change it up monthly to try to figure that out. Plus, your life isn’t static, so you need to adapt accordingly.

The Fail Journal is where you record your experiments that didn’t work. It’s a place where you objectively note how something didn’t work and how you can make it work the next time around.

If you’ve never used an Eisenhower Matrix before, you’re missing out. It’s one of the best tools I know to figure out your real priorities. I’ve colour-coded the quadrants in order of what matters most.

For example, if your finances are in order and you find yourself not spending enough time with your friends and family, you could reduce your finances by one point and invest it in friends and family instead.

Catagory :general