This is a non-exhaustive list of best practices I found to increase my productivity, efficiency, and also professionalis

Author : ismartalexg7
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 09:06:25

Jupyter will save checkpoints of your notebook from time to time, and if you realize you need to revert your whole file back to an earlier version, you can do that with the “Revert to Checkpoint” button. However, it is not the most reliable way of retrieving data and code as the checkpoint could have been three minutes ago or eight hours ago. I would always use the other tips aforementioned before this one, but it is good to know it exists.

In his book Getting Things Done, David Allen describes the 2-Minute Rule, claiming that you should get anything done immediately if it takes less than two minutes to complete. In my opinion, you can even take it to five minutes.

The valencia tribunal gave a strong criticism of the provincial government, stating that none of these events would have occurred “Without the acquiescence or the disinterest of the administration for which he worked.”

Did you write a forever-looping algorithm by mistake? Do you suspect your current algorithm is not going to output what you expect? You don’t need to close everything or delete the cell. Look for the Interrupt Kernel button on the Jupyter menu bar and interrupt the currently running cell to save your project from data loss.

You can start small by adding one more color to your daily diet and gradually increase the colors on your plate — a cup of blueberries, some carrots, a small side salad, an apple,…

You can save those repetitive imports as a Jupyter Notebook, and just click on Duplicate instead of opening a new, blank file. It saves you a little bit of time and proves to be very convenient in the long-run.

As a general rule of thumb, I’d recommend you spend your work hours doing the job they paid you for. First, because it’s the right thing to do. Second, because, otherwise, you’ll just be giving them a reason to fire you, unless you were Carlos Recio.

The one positive in all this is that the case drew more public scrutiny to their provincial government. Candidly, more than one head should have rolled for such an extreme offense. If you had to work several extra weeks unpaid to pay for someone to goof off, you’d be salty too.

Yet, sometimes, two minutes per day can change your next 20 years. And in most cases, it’s not sudden breakthroughs that change someone’s life, but the small rules followed every single day.

So in hindsight, I suppose five guys holding a garden hose might seem like a waste of resources and worthy of annoyance. But it could always be worse. At least they are doing something.

her example. Millennials are delaying marriage and having kids — into forever. But is there anything more basic to life than that?So social bonds “break” — or more accurately, are never forged at all — and conservatives blame collapse on a lack of family values. But there is a reason millennials cannot form families — and it is not because they are depraved hippies.

If you log out of social media apps, you’ll need to log in next time you want to access them. This small obstacle will remind you to be more mindful when using your phone.

Did you accidentally delete a cell, or made a mistake with your dataset? You can look for “Undo Cell Operation” in the Jupyter menu bar to bring back the cell you deleted, or undo the cell operation of your data.

So in hindsight, I suppose five guys holding a garden hose might seem like a waste of resources and worthy of annoyance. But it could always be worse. At least they are doing something.

Each time you procrastinate on something that would take you less than five minutes to complete, you’re losing motivation and wasting mental energy because you’re thinking of the task without completing it.

Catagory :general