To accomplish that, I use the murder weapon — oops, I mean, the thesaurus. It has lots of words in it. I treat browsing

Author : hanas143amri
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 09:22:45

, a Type Scale works based on a scale factor (say 1.25). The idea is that you start with a Base font size (18px) and multiply (or divide) it with the scale factor to get font sizes of either a higher (ie; H₁, H₂, etc…), or lower hierarchy (ie; Caption, Button etc…)

Their wisdom isn’t faulty, but if it requires serious study to understand it, you’ll gain little utility from it. Most of us lack the time and resources to learn and incorporate their teachings into everyday life.

It took three years before that announcement came, and by then, that bottle of wine had disappeared, probably doled out at a meaningless gathering or brought to a random party without giving it a second thought.

That was the recurring theme as I learned these lessons throughout my forties. Perhaps, if someone had shared this knowledge with me in my twenties, I wouldn’t have struggled so much in my youth. Here’s the wisdom I never had.

“YOU DID WHAT???” “YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL WRITER AND YOU USE A THESAURUS???!!” “OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU??” These were some of the reasonable, equitable, gently-put responses to my confession, drawing what seemed to be a direct equivalency between using a thesaurus and committing murder. I was, to put it mildly, surprised. I am someone who strings words together for a living, and sometimes I feel that the word I’ve conjured is inadequate to its task. I want to find another word that’s better/more interesting/differently nuanced/fresher.

Do they siphon your energy without ever giving back? Have you ever had that friend who leeches onto you when they’re in trouble but then vanishes from existence when you’re in need?

When families get together, they often talk about nostalgic memories. When I’m with mine, we reminisce about the time we ran out of gas a half-mile from a restaurant and pushed our car the rest of the way.

Have you ever sat in a meeting, struggling to understand something, wanting to ask a question, but remaining silent out of fear of sounding stupid? I’ll admit, I sometimes allow that fear to overcome my good sense. When it’s a choice between ignorance or embarrassment, we choose ignorance.

We hadn’t planned for that moment, but fifteen years later, it still results in a series of belly-laughs. It’s the small, unexpected moments we remember most fondly. We can’t plan or predict them, but we can give them a chance to happen by spending time with people we enjoy.

It happens so often. A boss or authority figure mistreats you. Infuriated, you resolve to correct the injustice. A few days pass, and your fury dissipates into acceptance.

It’s far easier to shoot down ideas than it is to put forward your own. It’s safer to attack other people’s beliefs than it is to believe in something yourself. You probably know somebody like this — a peer, friend, or family member. They’re quick to find fault with your vision but devoid of original thinking themselves.

The same happens for joyous events too. If you’ve ever felt the elation of a pay raise, you know that in a matter of weeks, you’ll revert to your previous level of happiness or dissatisfaction.

Even looking past the scruples, it just doesn’t scale. You probably just don’t have that kind of time. And even if you did, it’s not the best use of your preparation time.

But the constant skeptic, the one who tears down everyone else’s dreams, the one who never professes their own values, the one who exists merely to wag their finger. Man, they are miserable people.

Since then, I’ve learned that it’s better to distance yourself from friends that prove problematic and let go of ones that cause you misery. These three questions unmask the troublemakers.

Catagory :general