To create Ktor server, you simply need to create new project, declare the application entry point, and install a few fea

Author : 2sofia
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 09:27:47

Some functions require a long list of arguments. Although this should be avoided altogether (e.g. by using data classes), it’s not always up to you. In such cases, the second-best option is to create a dictionary with all the named arguments and pass that to the function instead. It will generally make your code more readable.

In fact, this is a pattern that you’ll see often. When you need to apply a relatively simple operation on each element of an iterable object, using map() in combination with a lambda function is concise and efficient.

GetNewsInteractor is using Codeforces, YouTube, and other repositories to fetch data from 3rd party resources and database, which is abstracted through Exposed library (officially supported by JetBrains as well).

There are multiple sources to include icons, I have used to icons to showcase my technical skills. I simply searched in git hub search bar in all repositories section. It opens a snippet use that snippet.

Decorators are wrappers around a function that modify the behavior of the function in a certain way. There are many use cases for decorators, and you may have used them before when working with frameworks like Flask.

Voilà! We have our own fully-functional backend written in Kotlin, which is perfectly suited to our needs, and open to changes in any direction we would like to take in the future. And we still can use some Firebase on the backend ;)

That’s nice, but you probably already knew these things. What you might not know is that you can also force keyword arguments. The details are described in PEP 3202, but it comes down to using an asterisk before the arguments you want to force as keyword arguments. Or, before everything, forcing all arguments to be keyword arguments:

In fact, this is a pattern that you’ll see often. When you need to apply a relatively simple operation on each element of an iterable object, using map() in combination with a lambda function is concise and efficient.

The blogpost workflow is contributed by Gautham krishna here is the link It also has pretty good documentation how to set it up. Please explore options that were there in the blog post. But I will explain how to do it.

This story focusses on new addition about customising your git with fancy badges, connect with me icons, dynamically include your blogs sourcing from the parent website, include your youtube channel videos and update changes, your git stats, your git recent activity and you could include the song that you are listening in spotify. Awesome isn’t it? Let’s go over how to do it.

Sometimes, naming a function is not worth the trouble. An example is when you’re sure the function will only be used once. For such cases, Python offers us anonymous functions (also called lambda functions).

Inside print_argument, we define a wrapper function. This function prints the argument and the name of the called function. Next, it executes the actual function and returns its result as if the function was called regularly.

It gets more interesting when you need to use a function as an argument. In such cases, the function is often used only once. As you may know, map applies a function to all elements of an iterable object. We can use a lambda when calling map:ınar-Karsıyaka-v-en-gb-ivx-.phpјa-v-sr-sr-1qfg-25.phpınar-Karsıyaka-v-en-gb-uvh-.phpınar-Karsıyaka-v-en-gb-fkt-.phpјa-v-sr-sr-1rch-19.phpјa-v-sr-sr-1gmu-21.php

remely flexible language, a quality well known as its double-edged sword. It is also something that can be explored from an aesthetic perspective. There are many different ways you can write valid code, with significant stylistic differences and a few technical implications. Many tools will help you customize and enforce the stylistic choices you make, and between those, there’s one much of my liking: StandardJS. StandardJS is a tool for automating applying a collection of sensible coding style choices to your code. Of notable aesthetic implication between those choices is the exclusion of semicolons.

Next go ahead and create ReadMe profile, and you could see new icons popping up in the readme as it is special repository which is created as your username. Git recognizes it and so it will add few features to it out of the box.

Catagory :general