Warning:: This feature can cause issues with some fonts when you update an old angular project to CLI v11. You can work

Author : 1glenng
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 00:56:20

The problem appears to be connected to npm. The workaround I have found thus far involves changing the main ng package manager to yarn instead of npm. You can use the following command:,Finally, I don’t think ng V11 comes with enough changes for the kinds of projects that I work on to update, so I’m not gonna update any already live project. I will be using the new version for all new projects though.,When you start your journey into learning and mastering the different aspects of data science, perhaps the first sub-field you come across is machine learning. Machine learning is the name used to describe a collection of computer algorithms that can learn and improve by gathering information while they are running.,Any machine learning algorithm is built upon some data. Initially, the algorithm uses some “training data” to build an intuition of solving a specific problem. Once the algorithm passes the learning phase, it can then use the knowledge it gained to solve similar problems based on different datasets.,Supervised algorithms: Algorithms that involve some supervision from the developer during the operation. To do that, the developer labels the training data and set strict rules and boundaries for the algorithm to follow.,Finally, I don’t think ng V11 comes with enough changes for the kinds of projects that I work on to update, so I’m not gonna update any already live project. I will be using the new version for all new projects though.,One of the most well-known and essential sub-fields of data science is machine learning. The term machine learning was first used in 1959 by IBM researcher Arthur Samuel. From there, the field of machine learning gained much interest from others, especially for its use in classifications.,Webpack 5 Support → This is yet another feature in angular v11 that might be useful for people with big apps built on angular. Particularly the Tree-Shaking feature in Web Pack which allows the build process to automatically remove unused parts of your code such as methods and will overall reduce the size of your production build. If that is something you have been struggling with, you will definitely want to look further into this update. Check out this link for more information.,I would suggest testing this out in a separate project anyway just to get a feel for how these changes could affect you project’s builds before doing it in an actual application.,Semi-supervised algorithms: Algorithms that combines aspects of both supervised and unsupervised algorithms. For example, not all training data will be labeled, and not all rules will be provided when initializing the algorithm.,Hot module reloading now allows angular 11 to refresh the page content when you edit your code without ever needing to refresh the website. This is definitely angular trying to catch up to react but it’s definitely a welcome change for the small development time it will save you.,Auto Font Inlining → If you’re using inlined fonts in your project rest assured Angular can make breaking changes when you build for production due to the new Font Inlining Feature. The feature is meant to improve load time by optimizing external fonts in your project. The problem is that browsers usually cache common fonts anyway and so this might not have a significant effect on your program if it uses common fonts like Roboto, Helvetica etc. These have high chances of already being cached in the user’s browser. If you’re still on the edge about updating for this feature, I would suggest only doing so if you app using a lot of rare fonts in it.,Reinforcement algorithms: In these types of algorithms, a technique called exploration/exploitation is used. The gest of it is simple; the machine makes an action, observe the outcomes, and then consider those outcomes when executing the next action, and so on.,Over the years, Ive tried switching to a digital alternative, like the iPad and Microsoft Surface, but nothing stuck. A computer is too distracting, particularly for someone with a short attention span like me. It’s too easy to get lost in a different app instead of actually taking notes.,You can either do that if you really wanna use an older version of angular or just update to the latest. You might want to highlight this section for the next time you want to create a new angular app I would suggest the latest version of the CLI for new apps though.

Catagory :general