Well, anytime the wealthiest institutions in history are quietly collaborating on something, I think it’s worth noting.

Author : qcash4life.infi
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 06:12:35

³ As an astute commenter on Hacker News pointed out, Tesla uses Google Maps for its dashboard. They only use OpenStreetMap for the auto-summon feature, which incidentally has resulted in lots of parking lots being added to OSM by the Teslarati as covered in Jennings’ most recent SOTMUS talk!

It’s the opposite of the Tragedy of the Commons — all of the private property holders, acting in their own self interest, are enriching the common resource rather than depleting it.

The question on my mind is how idiosyncratic this situation really is. Does OSM represent a model for strategic corporate sponsorship of public goods moving forward? Or is it tragically inimitable?

Some may squirm at the idea that their contributions to OSM help FAAM…after all, do they really need the help? But what’s beautiful is that FAAM is contributing (rather than passively mooching) because of the compounding value of having any/all data make it into the community’s growing number of hands.

Contemporary physicists who care about such notions love to knock down Copenhagen, which is little more than a strawman argument (an argument deliberately constructed to be easy to knock down like a straw man). Copenhagen is made stronger by modifying the equations of quantum mechanics, of course, using, for example, something called dynamic reduction equations which deliberately model the collapse. Nevertheless, there are many, many interpretations of quantum physics beyond wavefunction collapse, all with their own adherents.

The problem of how to interpret quantum mechanics has been baffling physicists for 100 years. How do you understand the phenomenon where a particle or anything for that matter can be in two states at once? This is the so-called Schroedinger’s cat paradox in which a cat is both dead and alive until you look. Likewise, a quantum particle can be in two or more places at once, seemingly, creating the famous double slit experiment in which a particle appears to interfere with itself.

I’m kind of shocked to be saying it, but somehow — almost inexplicably — the goals of the OSM community and corporate contributors seem to be largely aligned. They all want an accurate, ubiquitous map of the world that can be maintained in perpetuity as sustainably as possible.

⁴ The 2019 paper is full of amazing tidbits like this: ~1.4% of contributors account for ~90% of the edits to OSM. This roughly adheres to something called the 1% rule of online communities which states that, “1% of Internet users are responsible for creating content, while 99% are merely consumers of that content.”

One of the key differences between Cicero and OSM is a community of contributors. Community is what makes OSM special. Without it, the project is “default dead,” as they say in Silicon Valley. Much like elected official information, map data goes stale fairly quickly and therefore requires constant life support.

The traditional interpretation of this, championed by Heisenberg (and erroneously attributed to Niels Bohr), was a phenomenon called wavefunction collapse, in which looking at a quantum particle causes its state to collapse into one. This is called the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics.

OSM’s community seems conflicted about whether or not corporate participation is ok (let alone good) for the future of the project. And yet the community is precisely what attracts corporate contributors. OSM provides two advantages over just buying privately collected data:

For instance: I work for a company called Azavea that, among many noble efforts, maintains Cicero. It’s a database of elected officials and legislative districts in several countries around the world that gets updated daily. You can imagine that this should be a public good — like, doesn’t the government already have this information? Turns out…nah. Cicero requires ceaseless, grueling work to keep updated, and that means serious investment of time and money.

Weirder still, particles can become entangled, sharing a state even when they are separated by light years so that when one is looked at, it affects the other one’s state.





















confusion on Data Science and Data Engineering roles, the best source of truth, is that from the Hiring Manager — who will untimely layout the foundation of your everyday work and expectations of if you are more SQL oriented, Python, or Machine Learning deployment-focused. Also, it will depend on where and what the needs of the company are.

⁴ The 2019 paper is full of amazing tidbits like this: ~1.4% of contributors account for ~90% of the edits to OSM. This roughly adheres to something called the 1% rule of online communities which states that, “1% of Internet users are responsible for creating content, while 99% are merely consumers of that content.”

Catagory :general