What if I manipulate the response itself and replace it with the one I captured previously in a successful attempt, So I

Author : xbelkacem.ragaal
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 07:46:17

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2020 19:35:13 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 30 Connection: close ETag: W/'1e-4IvZjnYOB9GRQRUDsbcN8 Z6xoE' Set-Cookie: language=en; Domain=.redacted.com; Path=/ X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-LEMONADE-REQUEST-ID: 230315a5-6e48-43d3-b35b-c30804daf771 X-Powered-By: Express set-cookie: region=us; Domain=.redacted.com; Path=/ CF-Cache-Status: DYNAMIC cf-request-id: 0442d1c5050000de6ee2ba0200000001 Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri='https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct' Server: cloudflare CF-RAY: 5bb18581aecfde6e-BOM {'verify':'true'}

Not being a Vim user myself, I quickly changed Vimium’s default shortcuts to something I’m more familiar with. Now I can pin tabs, duplicate them, move them around, scroll pages, focus input fields, navigate forward and backward in history ,and, my personal favorite, click links — all without ever having to reach over to grab the mouse.

You can also build a custom deep learning model for solving the face recognition task. The modern models built for face recognition are highly accurate and provide an accuracy of almost over 99% for labeled datasets. The applications for the face recognition models can be used in security systems, surveillance, attendance systems, and a lot more.

Vimium doesn’t have much to boast about in the visuals department, but that’s only because it does all its magic behind the scenes. What it does is provide keyboard shortcuts for the browser à la Vim, a popular text editor used by programmers famous for its sophisticated use of key mappings for efficiency.

A virtual assistant, also called an AI assistant or digital assistant, is an application program that understands natural language voice commands and completes tasks for the user. Virtual Assistants powered with AI technologies are becoming extremely popular and are taking over the world by a storm.

This was happening because there was a client-side javascript that triggered a subsequent request based on the response received which would set new session cookies as an authenticated user.

Below is an example of a face recognition model built by me using the methods of VGG-16 transfer learning for face recognition after the face detection is performed by the haar cascade classifier. Check it out to learn a more detailed explanation of how exactly you can build your very own face recognition model.

The haar cascade classifier can be used for the purpose of face detection and accurately detect multiple faces in the frame. The haar cascade classifier for frontal face is usually an XML file that can be used with the open-cv module for reading the faces and then detecting the faces. A machine learning model such as the histogram of oriented gradients (H.O.G) which can be used with labeled data along with support vector machines (SVM’s) to perform this task as well.





















early months, I’d start making a meal and abandon it the minute I realized I’d have to clean a head of broccoli, because fuck, who has the energy to rinse a vegetable when chopping garlic feels like an insurmountable pain in the ass? Takeout it is. Or was, rather.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2020 19:35:13 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 30 Connection: close ETag: W/'1e-4IvZjnYOB9GRQRUDsbcN8 Z6xoE' Set-Cookie: language=en; Domain=.redacted.com; Path=/ X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-LEMONADE-REQUEST-ID: 230315a5-6e48-43d3-b35b-c30804daf771 X-Powered-By: Express set-cookie: region=us; Domain=.redacted.com; Path=/ CF-Cache-Status: DYNAMIC cf-request-id: 0442d1c5050000de6ee2ba0200000001 Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri='https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct' Server: cloudflare CF-RAY: 5bb18581aecfde6e-BOM {'code':'invalid_credentials'}

dict.cc is a bilingual dictionary extension based off of the website dict.cc. Before adding it to my browser, whenever I came across an unfamiliar word, I’d always have to navigate to a new tab, visit the website, and search for it. The extension allows me to accomplish the same thing without ever leaving the page.

The best approach for face recognition is to make use of the DNN’s (deep neural networks). After the detection of faces, we can use the approach of deep learning to solve face recognition tasks. There is a huge variety of transfer learning models like VGG-16 architecture, RESNET-50 architecture, face net architecture, etc. which can simplify the procedure to construct a deep learning model and allow users to build high-quality face recognition systems.

*UPDATE: Recent unknown changes to the extension have raised concerns of potentially malicious behavior. Until it’s known what exactly these changes do, it’s advisable to disable or uninstall it.

A virtual private network (VPN) is a must-have if you do anything online. Aside from offering perhaps less exciting features such as security and privacy, a VPN also allows you to bypass censorship or geoblocked content by changing your location online.

Changing the HTTP code from HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized To HTTP/1.1 200 OKand the response value from {'code':'invalid_credentials'} to {'verify':'true'}Bypasses the authentication feature implemented as the application and gets us to log in to any User/Admin’s account on that application.

Catagory :general