What You Need To Know Before Going for Root Canal

Author : alexkbizz
Publish Date : 2021-02-02 08:23:08

Noble Smile Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Did your dentist utter that terrible words that you never want to hear: “You need a root canal”? And if this is your first root canal ever, you perhaps have several questions running through your mind. Well, you don’t have to worry a lot, as we’re here to put your mind at ease.

Below are a few things that you need to know before going for your first root canal. Hopefully, this information will help you get ready for this common dental procedure.

Taking out the mystery of root canals

Out of many dental procedures, a root canal is often the most misunderstood. Its misconceptions are prevalent among the masses. The bacteria sitting beneath your tooth is dangerous, not treatment!

During a root canal, your dentist will get rid of all the infected pulp within your infected tooth. He or she will drill into that tooth, clean it out, and then fill it. In some instances, your dentist might recommend a follow-up appointment to place a crown on your tooth. This will prevent further problems, and you will be able to chew comfortably once again.

Though root canal may seems extremely lengthy dental procedure, but it can be done in one visit and with no pain, thanks to local anesthetics. Find out “how long does a root canal take to heal?”

When is a root canal needed?

You need a root canal when the nerve beneath your tooth becomes infected with bacteria from a cavity or when a large tooth fracture damages your nerve. This typically causes irreversible damage, which means the infected part needs to be removed as soon as possible.

How do you know if you need a root canal?

Your dentist will examine your oral health if you have:

  • Severe toothache from chewing
  • Longer duration of tooth sensitivity
  • Discoloration or darkening of teeth
  • Swollen gums or rotten taste in your mouth
  • Dental abscess

However, a person may experience no symptoms at all. That’s why it’s vital to see your dentist for regular check-ups.

Why does a root canal need a crown, and what’s the cost?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is usually placed to protect the remaining tooth structure. It also replaces the function of molar teeth, which is chewing food.

A dental crown’s cost depends on the material you choose, your insurance, the office location, and the type of procedure. Learn more about how expensive is a root canal treatment.

What can you do for the pain?

The root canal treatment should ease the severe pain you experienced before. However, you may experience some discomfort after the treatment. Make sure you know what to eat after a root canal to avoid any complications.

Get a root canal sooner

When your dentist recommends a root canal treatment, get it done soon rather than later. The disease can worsen and cause severe complications if left untreated. Receiving the appropriate treatment on time will help you get back to your normal, painless days soon.

Thus, it’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions and maintain good overall oral hygiene to avoid such complications. But if you need a root canal, don’t worry, as its success rate is enormous.

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