When education, healthcare, media, transport are freely, universally provided to all, that, in turn, makes having a fami

Author : wmomedrdwl
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 23:13:50

Ethereum turns the internet from a read and write platform into a read, write, and own platform which has the potential to become the plumbing for every app ever built in the future.

So, I am no longer alone in my prediction that an internet currency with a fixed supply, that protects users from inflation, may in fact have a significant role to play in a digitized financial system without any sole owner.

“Tom Coomer has retired twice: once when he was 65, and then several years ago. Each time he realized that with just a Social Security check, “you can hardly make it these days.”

PayPal enabled Bitcoin and Ethereum for their 300M users, making it possible for businesses to accept payment in both the currencies, and therefore opening up an entirely new market.

Yet the most basic of bonds that human beings live for are with their partners and kids. But even those are becoming unaffordable in America. That tells us that all of life’s basics are becoming unaffordable for Americans. A marriage or partnership, kids, and a home itself: they come, for most people, before healthcare, education, retirement, and so forth. But if people are beginning to find the most basic of life’s goods unattainable luxuries — then the rest must be even more so. Having a kid costs tens of thousands of dollars, education can put you in debt for life. What the? So when the most primary thing in human life itself — the most fundamental social bonds that people hope for — have become unaffordable, then how can a society endure?

Now. The interesting part is what happened in the rest of the rich world. While life’s basics in America turned into unaffordable luxuries, elsewhere, the precise opposite happened. These basics grew cheaper and cheaper, until at last, they became goods that were simply freely provided for everyone. Hence, going to see the doctor in the UK, for example, is free, and a prescription costs a fixed amount, just a few pounds — whether it is penicillin or some cutting-edge drug. Meanwhile, healthcare in the US costs thousands more every year — while barely covering much. See the difference? The US and the world are mirror images — life’s basics became cripplingly expensive luxuries in America, but are moving towards being free everywhere else.

I read an interesting article recently about the opioid epidemic, and how it pointed to collapse. It did — but the common answer that American intellectuals use most often, that collapse is due to some kind of lack of piety, sanctity, and nuclear family— is so inadequate, I can disprove it with a sentence.





















turned to her future plans more and more to escape the brute reality of present. If her boyfriend didn’t seem as responsive — she cursed the work he was doing and dreamt of a more luxurious future. When he slept the 4th time before they could catch up on their day — she sat in bed and thought of their date next week when she would tell him all about the week.

Let me give you another example. Millennials are delaying marriage and having kids — into forever. But is there anything more basic to life than that?So social bonds “break” — or more accurately, are never forged at all — and conservatives blame collapse on a lack of family values. But there is a reason millennials cannot form families — and it is not because they are depraved hippies.

The most prosperous, progressive, and successful society in the world — Norway — isn’t a paragon of churchgoing nuclear family values, it’s the mirror image of it: divorce rates are high, marriage rates are low, and faith isn’t exactly a hot social issue. So American collapse can’t be because it isn’t Joel Osteen enough.

Clearly, in 2020, this narrative is changing so I’m coming out of the financial closet I’ve been hiding in. A new financial system is being created. It took me hours and hours of research to understand what the use cases were for both currencies.

Just as social bonds are basics of life that we must be able to afford, so too are the rest — healthcare, education, media, retirement, and so on. The problem, though, is that Americans cannot afford those anymore, because life’s basics have become luxuries for the richest few. And in that void, people are turning, in desperation, to authoritarianism, magical thinking, extremism, scapegoating, and harder solutions — like opioids. It isn’t a coincidence that all these things are rising while life grows harder, meaner, nastier, and more unlivable.

There is a truer, harsher — and simpler — explanation behind American collapse. America has the rich world’s lowest quality of life, by a long way — after all, Americans will die 5–10 years younger than Spaniards or Germans, but even that understates the issue. It is uniquely a dismal life: nowhere else do we see opioid epidemics, kids massacring one another at schools, having “active shooter drills”, or:

Today’s millennial is tomorrow’s Tom Coomer — he will never retire, no matter how hard he works, saves, or tries. It is simply not in the cards for him — Tom did not have to pay hundreds of thousands for education or a home, but the millennial does, so if Tom cannot retire, how will the millennial? What else should we expect in a society with stagnant incomes, savings, and life expectancies but the breakdown of social bonds? Social bonds are things we must be able to afford, too — they do not come to us out of thin air.

Life’s basics became luxuries, more expensive by the year, instead of necessities — right down to the most basic of things human beings live for at all. But that is the exact opposite of what happened elsewhere in the world. Not iPhones and Facebook. But the fundamentals of a decent life. Retirement, healthcare, education, income, savings, safety, stability, marriage, families, trust itself. All these things are simply now unaffordable for the average American. And worse, they are skyrocking in price every year. 66% of Americans choose between food and healthcare. Do you see what I mean?

Catagory :general