When this kind of internal dialogue goes unchecked, you’re in serious trouble. It is therefore crucial that you reframe

Author : 0mehditroudecu
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:22:51

So the next time your mind and gut are conflicted, take a leaf out of Paulo Coelho’s book: ‘Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.’






















conventional, as the two universities are heated rivals. However, Meyer’s history would suggest that nothing is out of the question. The contract is massive, and may just be enough to lure Meyer back to the sideline, or at the very least establish a starting point for serious negotiations.,

Luckily for me, my heart was singing loud and clear. Having experienced a perspective shift in detox, I became intensely curious about the human mind. I wanted to go to college to learn about human suffering, why my own suffering disappeared, and to share these experiences with others.


But I was lucky. The most painful night of my life was also the most important. It forced me to let go of my story, the one that protected my addiction. By dropping this story, I was able to write a new one:


Pat suddenly got up from the table, so I told Kathy all about my addiction and how I now lean into every moment expecting magic and miracles. She was ever so nice, but she thought I was bonkers, which in hindsight, I can see why. I apologised for interrupting her lunch and got back to my book.


This is backed by research which shows that language is a vehicle for emotion. As a result, how you think, and the language that you use determines how you feel. It is therefore critical that you choose your words carefully, especially when talking to yourself.


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If you’re following your heart, and you’re not breaking the law, don’t be afraid to challenge societal norms. Follow your passion when people think you should play it safe. When the crowd go one way, you go the other. If it feels right, go with your gut.


If you want to change your story, you have to become aware of the self-talk that is keeping your narrative alive. These stories are generally negative. Maybe it’s an inner critic constantly berating you. You might be a perennial worrier, telling yourself you can’t cope. Or maybe you play the victim role, completely unknownst to yourself.


Pat came back several minutes later and then they left. Although Kathy was a little perplexed by my request, she was very friendly upon leaving and said best of luck. To my surprise, she must have told Pat about our conversation. Within a few minutes, he came back to the table with his contact details and we arranged to meet up for an interview.


When I found sobriety in 2013, my family wanted me to play it safe. “Do something you’re familiar with,” they said, “don’t take any risks.” It came out of both love and fear, but in reality, they were playing by societal norms.


My head was telling me to get a normal job, but my heart was screaming at me to follow my passion. That was nearly 7 years ago. I’m now a lecturer in Ireland’s top two universities, I’ve just published my memoir, and in less than 12-months time, I’ll have completed my PhD.


We all have a story, and it is written with the words we use. If you tell yourself you procrastinate, you’re going to act accordingly. If you tell yourself you can’t cope, it’s likely that you won’t.


In the world of COVID-19, our stories about anxiety are particularly problematic, with many people crippled by uncertainty. “When is this going to end?” “I need to drink because I feel overwhelmed.” “What if I lose my job?”


Self-observation is an excellent tool for bringing these stories into awareness. But once you catch this internal dialogue in flight, you need to change it. The best way to do this is to reframe your self-talk.

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