Why is Fish a Good Protein Alternative to Other Meats?

Author : 3meds
Publish Date : 2020-12-14 09:32:11

Ever since the inception of human beings on earth, every great civilization settled near water sources. With the dawn of the stone age, humans learned to create tools with stone and bones. One of the most common tools recovered at most archaeological sites related to Stone Age excavation is the humble fishing hook, often made of bones.

Fish is one of the most liked and consumed forms of animal protein worldwide. Fish forms an essential part of several world-renowned cuisines. It is also considered one of the healthiest animal proteins for consumption among human beings.

Doctors worldwide recommend the consumption of fish-based protein products to prevent of cardiovascular diseases and other related ailments in the future. Fish-based supplements can be availed at all retail and online pharmacies.

Why is Consuming Fish Beneficial?

Fish is one of the most beneficial sources of protein sources. It also contains essential nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fish can help not only in body weight management but also affect other functions positively.

Fish is also a rich source of "good fats" such as PUFA (poly-unsaturated fatty acids), which are responsible for maintaining good heart-health by managing the cholesterols levels in the blood.

What is OMEGA-3, and why is it good for Health?

Omega-3 is a class of PUFA. It contains both DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which are essential in preventing and managing of several types of heart diseases. Omega-3 has also been found instrumental in lowering elevated blood pressure.

There are numerous health benefits associated with Omega-3 fatty acids, which include:

1) Maintenance of cardiovascular health

2) Important for prenatal and postnatal neurological development

3) Reduction of tissue inflammation and alleviation of the symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis

4) Reduction of depression and mental decline in elderly people

Which Fish is More Beneficial: Fresh-Water or Salt-Water?

Fresh-water fish dwell in fresh-water, while salt-water fish dwell in salt lakes, seas, and oceans. All fresh-water fishes are edible; however, many sea-water fishes are deemed inedible due to a higher concentration of salts in their bodies due to their habitats.

People with elevated blood pressure or hypertension are advised to consume only fresh-water fishes as they contain manageable salt levels in their bodies.

Caution must be taken while consuming sea-water fishes, though, as they might contain poisonous salts, leading to severe health complications. For example, several species of pufferfishes are considered extremely poisonous. In Japan, skilled chefs require a government license to serve certain pufferfishes, which are considered extremely poisonous and can cause fatality if not prepared in the right way.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Eating Fish?

There are several risks associated with the consumption of fishes. The primary risk factor is mercury and arsenic contamination, leading to the development of several types of cancers and can also cause neurological and developmental disorders in unborn and newborn children.

Chemicals such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and dioxins can contaminate food items, including fish. The levels of these chemicals in fish, including farmed fish, have been very low compared to other meats and dairy products.

The health benefits of consuming fish outweigh the risks associated; however, caution needs to be taken while consuming any fish.


Fish is an excellent source of proteins and essential fatty acids. It is considered very good for the prevention of heart and cardiovascular diseases. Many people avoid eating fish due to cultural prejudices or personal beliefs. However, those who can consume fish can reap several health benefits from this super food.

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