With a major release, comes breaking changes. The update to ESLint 7 and various ESLint plugins require changes to your

Author : 5fathy.ab
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 14:17:49

The race happens on a 300-meter track. While carrying your special delivery, you’ll be climbing over fences, running down hills, slogging through shallow mud ponds. And fellas, I recommend you don’t dunk her head if you can.





ou could afford it and you don’t want to be in that kind of dense environment, your option is to bike, scooter, depending on the weather and distance, or Uber. And to the extent that you can afford that, I think you might substitute public transport for Uber.

If the variable name and object key name is same then we can just mention variable name in object literals instead of both key and value. JavaScript will automatically set the key same as variable name and assign the value as variable value.

On Wednesday, Moderna, the runner-up to Pfizer in the Covid-19 vaccine race, announced plans to begin testing its vaccine in kids aged 12–17. The study, which hasn’t started recruiting yet, will involve 3,000 teens: Half will get two doses of the vaccine, one month apart, and the other half will get a placebo. This is important because vaccines can’t be administered to kids unless companies provide safety and efficacy data on this age group. Pfizer is also running tests on this age group, and AstraZeneca has done the same, though not in the United States.

//Shorthand console.log(`JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm.`);

There are built in methods like parseInt and parseFloat available to convert a string to number. We can also do this by simply providing a unary operator ( ) in front of string value.

To loop through an array we normally use the traditional for loop. We can make use of the for...of loop to iterate through arrays. To access the index of each value we can use for...in loop.

Following close on Pfizer’s heels, Moderna said on Monday that it applied for FDA emergency use authorization and released a trove of data showing that its vaccine is 94.1% effective. If it’s approved (and the aforementioned advisory panel gives its blessing), it can roll out in the United States as early as December 21. As Jesse Smith wrote in the Coronavirus Blog, the results reveal that “none of the vaccinated group participants contracted severe forms of Covid-19” — in other words, that it’s 100% effective against severe cases.

European regulators expressed skepticism about the “hasty” U.K. approval. British researchers, however, started looking at Pfizer’s data in October in a process called a “rolling review,” which gave them a headstart on their analyses. The approval of the vaccine in the U.K. puts pressure on the United States (and other Western countries) to follow suit. Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization in the United States, and Moderna did the same this week (more on that below). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to make a decision on the Pfizer vaccine after an advisory panel meets on December 10, and a second panel will meet to assess the Moderna vaccine on December 17.

The shorthand techniques of any programming language help you to write more clean and optimized code and lets you achieve your goal with less coding. Let’s discuss some of the shorthand techniques of JavaScript one by one.

Improvement from comment by Caleb: The double NOT bitwise operator approach only works for 32 bit integers i.e (2**31)-1 = 2147483647. So for any number higher than 2147483647, bitwise operator (~~) will give wrong results, so recommended to use Math.floor() in such case.

On Wednesday, Moderna, the runner-up to Pfizer in the Covid-19 vaccine race, announced plans to begin testing its vaccine in kids aged 12–17. The study, which hasn’t started recruiting yet, will involve 3,000 teens: Half will get two doses of the vaccine, one month apart, and the other half will get a placebo. This is important because vaccines can’t be administered to kids unless companies provide safety and efficacy data on this age group. Pfizer is also running tests on this age group, and AstraZeneca has done the same, though not in the United States.

On Thursday, Facebook announced that it would “start removing false claims about these vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts on Facebook and Instagram” in its effort to keep people safe and informed about the coronavirus. Facebook has long been a hub for people to share vaccine misinformation, and the social media giant has been criticized for not effectively regulating this content despite its potential for public harm. It has attempted to regulate anti-vaccination content and other Covid-19 misinformation in the past by limiting its reach rather than removing it, but as OneZero has pointed out, this content continued to circulate in private groups and messages.

It’s a woman-owned and organized competition. Wife-carrying started in 793 AD after Vikings raided villages on the Island of Lindisfarne off the coast of England. Allegedly, they killed the men and made off with their women, carrying them over their heads. Back then, it was referred to as ‘wife-stealing’ which has, understandably, been rebranded.

The biggest vaccine news this week was that the U.K. granted emergency authorization for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, making it the first country in the West to approve a vaccine for mass inoculation during this pandemic. (Russia and China have done so, but their approval processes are significantly less stringent.) The first doses will be rolled out next week to doctors and nurses with the National Health Service as well as nursing home workers and adults aged 80 and over who had previously scheduled doctors’ appointments, reports the New York Times.

Catagory :general